Advertising on Cooler Screens in the Retail Setting: Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should

The Refrigerated Food and Beverage Section in Stores Across the Country is Undergoing a Tech-based Remake — and Some Consumers Really Don’t Like the Changes.

David C. Wyld
Published in
15 min readApr 11, 2022


Source: Cooler Screens, Case Studies: Redefining The Consumer Experience in Convenience (Used with permission)


It’s probably one of the oldest adages used in parenting. While the times and circumstances may change, it’s certainly one of “parenting’s greatest hits” that can be brought out time and time and time again. So whether we’re talking about the latest fad or new technology to come down the pipe, parents — from the time of the cavemen to today’s social media world — have had a stock answer, ready to go in response to the latest “thing” when their kids — especially their teenagers — wanted to jump on the trend and try it! You probably remember your Mom or Dad saying this axiom more than a few times, and if you’re of a certain age, you very likely have uttered these 8 words yourself to your children, whether they were 7 or 17 at the time (and probably at both times!). These 8 words of wisdom are:

“Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should”



David C. Wyld
Modern Business

David C. Wyld is a Professor of Strategic Management & Consultant. Follow him here on Medium for his latest publications. He supports his fellow Medium writers.