Don’t share. OG post.

Alex Kern
Modern Communication
2 min readSep 27, 2015

Facebook has a Share button next to most Like and Comment buttons.

Don’t tap Share. Ever.

Don’t use Share.

Always OG Post.

An OG Post on Facebook means that you are the “original” (OG) poster.

You show up on more people’s newsfeed bc Facebook prioritizes OG Posts.

If you use Share, you are no longer the original poster.

This post looks shitty.

Your post gets less reach, likes, comments, and it looks shitty.

That sucks. Never Share.

OG Post

Copy the text. Download the image.

Make an OG Post.

But I want to give my friend credit for the post

If you’re feeling nice, tag them in the post.

Or give them credit in the first comment.

Why might Facebook penalize Share

Hitting Share is easy. It’s not a good filter for good content.

People often run contests/campaigns that incentivize people to Share their content. That content usually sucks. Facebook caught on.

Facebook Share might as well be deprecated.

Next time you think of hitting Share, OG Post.



Alex Kern
Modern Communication

building && breaking • cto @zebraiq , formerly: @coinbase via @_dsys (acq), forbes u30, @NASAJPL , @calhacks , @Cal