Credits: Dreamtime

Business In 2099| Why A Robotic CEO Would Do A Great Job

Shola Osiyemi
Modern Day Business


This decade, has witnessed a huge rise in artificial intelligence.

Advancements in technology, have led to companies producing more sophisticated artificial intelligence software products. ChatGPT, Google Cloud AI, Viso Suite Platform — are all AI software's, that are massively rising in popularity.

Understandably, several businesses have implemented AI softwares into their business operations. The Fast-Food industry is a great example. Several brands have introduced AI chatbots at drive-thrus, robotic chefs have been installed in kitchens, and perhaps the most interesting of them all — customers have started investing in robotic deliveries.

Robotic vehicles that scurry across the ground, delivering fast-food to customers doorsteps, is a technology brands are investing into. There’s also a push for drone deliveries. Drones which will hover across the skies, dropping off food at customers doorsteps.

The surgence in automation is evident. For the most part, robots are occupying low-level jobs. Jobs that we as humans would be perfectly ok with, having handed over to robots.

But what if robots obtained jobs higher up the corporate hierarchy? With it’s current rate of progression, is it really ludicrous to assume that AI won’t obtain roles high up the corporate ladder.

It could be decades until this occurs, but there could a time when a robot, is in charge of a company.

The Purpose and Operations of A CEO:

Image of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezoz. Credits: Inc. Magazine

Before we examine how a robotic CEO would perform. We should first review, what CEO’s actually do, and how they operate.

CEO’s are arguably the most important individuals in a company. Just like a king or a queen, they’re the figurehead of an organisation. Their face of the organisation, whose name, is usually synonymous with the company they control.

The importance of a strong reputation for a CEO, can’t be understated. A CEO with a strong reputation, usually has a company that bears the same.

CEO’s also set the strategic direction for an organisation. Their the head-honcho, the individual who makes the big corporate decisions. The captain steering the direction of the business. The individual who must keep stakeholders and investors happy.

It goes without saying therefore, that their held accountable when things go wrong. It’s a position of responsibility.

Now that we understand the role of a CEO, we can assess whether an artificial robot is truly capable of doing the job.

Does a Robotic CEO Possess The Correct Qualities:

Credits: Science Photo Libary

As previously mentioned, CEO’s are the figurehead of an organisation. As the leader, CEO’s are responsible for ensuring trust and transparency to their stakeholders. Good interpersonal skills are essential, for keeping stakeholders satisfied.

The question therefore, is whether robots are capable, of carrying out the same connection to stakeholders, as a human.

Would humans treat robots, the same as they treat humans?

I’m confident that Robots, will reach a level (if they haven’t already), where by they possess a high degree interpersonal skills, and are capable of carrying out detailed conversations with people. But it all comes down to perception.

Would customers view a business differently if the CEO was a non-human? How would shareholders, investors, employees and directors, treat the robot?

Of course the social elements of being a CEO, are not the only role CEO’s play. CEO’s set the direction of the company, they make the wise business decisions that move the company forward. Intelligence, strategy, and good judgement, are all skills that a CEO must possess to succeed.

It’s logical to assume that a robot can be programmed, with these skills equipped. With such advanced algorithms installed into it’s programming, they might even be better than humans, at solving problems and making strategic decisions.

How would you feel about a robot being your boss?

Credits: Fox News

The idea of a robot being your superior, is something that humans are unfamiliar with.

We’ve been using robots and artfical intelligence, for almost half a century. It’s nothing new to us, but, it’s always been to serve our purposes.

Farmers first utilised robots in farming, in the 1920s. Factories have been using industrial robots since the 60’s. And for nearly a decade now — Amazon has used fully autonomous robots in their warehouses.

In my opinion, whether robots are incorporated into the top levels of management, depends upon human’s acceptance. Are humans ( the creators of robots) humble enough to obey a machine, or will they view themselves as superior?

This very well could a be a decision, that future generations will have to make.

