Why Customers Are Starting To Prefer AI Drive-Thrus Over Humans.

Shola Osiyemi
Modern Day Business
3 min readSep 6, 2023
Credits: Futurism.com

We’ve all been through drive-thrus before. The thoughtful process of pondering about what you're going to order. You look at the display screens for a source of inspiration, calculating the costs of your order. After careful consideration, you are ready to order. Finally you reach the speaker, and the employee asks “ Welcome to … what would you like to order?”

Your game plan was ready, you knew exactly what you wanted. But as those words drift out of her mouth, strangely — your unsure of what you actually want.

The Rise Of AI- Drive Thrus

Credits: CNN.com

Fast food chains ( especially American Fast-food chains) have been testing Artificial intelligence voice- ordering bots in at their drive-thrus.

Major fast food brands such as : Mcdonalds, Wendys, Carl’s Jr. Have all tested AI ordering robots at their drive thrus.

It’s only natural that fast food companies adopt AI ordering bots. The advancements in Artificial Intelligence chat bots over the last 5 years have been substantial.

Fast-Food companies seek to benefit from the technology, implementing AI ordering bots is their first step in doing so.

They’re perfect for business. They’re a one time investment, that have the ability operate 24/7.

These robots may have to be maintained by technicians every once in a while, but that’s really the only fixed financial cost. There’s no regular wages paid to these bots, and they don’t call in sick.

It’s understandable as to why profit hungry fast-food chains are eager to get these up and running. They’ll lower costs and boost profit margins.

Are The Voice-Ordering Bots Good?

At the end of the day, these bots will only be implemented if they’re actually just as good as human drive-thru servers.

Customers need to be satisfied with the service of these bots, or else they’ll be an increase in complaints.

So far, they’re seems to be an mixed opinion.

Wall Street Journals Youtube Video

A journalist from the Wall Street Journal recently tested an AI chatbot located at an Hardee’s. The video reveals how AI chatbots do suffer from a lack of humanness. The conversations sound formulaic and robotic, and the chat-bot does struggle to answer certain questions. Frequently the chat bot demands for the assistance of an human employee, when unsure of what to do.

Chatbots definitely have their cons, but we should also consider the pro’s. Popular youtuber — Unboxtherapy, commented on how a AI chatbot located at McDonalds was “ calm and accommodating”.

Occasionally when conversing with drive-thru employees, the conversations can begin to feel rushed and time-pressured. With the employee trying to quickly get the customer to blurt out their order.

Unbox Therapy Video On Mcdonalds Drive Through Experience

Robots don’t have emotions. An AI-chatbot can consistently talk to an customer, in the same soothing tone, 24/7.

Overall the chatbots can handle the basics. They can listen to you, and process your order. Which is the basic function of an drive-thru server. The next step is to improve the humanness of bots — so that they can understand more orders.

Are Drive Thru Chatbots Here To Stay?

Currently drive thru chatbots are still in their research and development stage. They’re growing strong in popularity across America, and a couple have been implemented in China.

But it appears as though they are not yet a world recognised phenomenon. Right now robotic chatbots are still a new phenomenon, I expect that over the next decade more assistants will be rolled out in various different fast-food chains.

Customers could begin to develop a sense of familiarity with chatbots, which could lead to them becoming the new norm.

