Introduction to Modern Finance Chain

Modern Finance Chain
Modern Finance Chain
4 min readApr 5, 2018

2017 was the banner year for cryptocurrency growth. With the market cap of cryptocurrency increasing by 1600%, analysts and experts are calling for continued expansion and adoption. The future, while bright, is facing real challenges in 2018. The first is cryptocurrency as a form of payment. The second being isolated blockchain upstarts with no working product and focused on the adoption of their blockchain only. Decentralized, open source projects should embrace each other, not compete.

What cryptocurrency needs is a solution that allows coin holders to use their cryptocurrency for everyday (and large) purchases as well as a solution that embraces all blockchains. Combining the best of all available solutions and projects only speeds the rate of mass adoption. Making blockchain and cryptocurrency easy to understand, access and transact with will be key for 2018 and beyond. This ensures we no longer see cryptocurrency as just a speculative instrument and see it as an everyday function of life.

Imagine if one day, individuals with brilliant ideas no longer need to spend massive amounts of time building and developing their core smart contracts to launch their ICO? Imagine if consumers can transact with any cryptocurrency they choose at their favorite merchants AND get rewarded in cryptocurrency? Imagine if merchants were provided a solution where they can easily accept cryptocurrency payments, finally breaking free from the rules and countless fees credit card companies force upon them?

Modern Finance Chain (MF Chain) is building the future of cryptocurrency today. A smart contract platform with merchant payment processing integration. MF Chain is bringing the first ever rewards program for both consumers AND merchants. Rewards earned are paid in the native MFX token affording the merchant and consumer freedom of choice on how they would like to spend their rewards. No rules, no additional fees, no small print terms and conditions; all decentralized and powered by the blockchain. Freedom.

MF Chain’s immediate goal is to become the foundation of commerce powered by the blockchain. Speeding adoption as cryptocurrency as a form of payment is critical to the growth of our industry. Launching initially as an ERC20 token built upon the Ethereum blockchain, MF Chain is bringing users the ability to transact using their favorite coins with merchants and earn rewards starting in 2018. MF Chain’s payment solution and rewards program is already in final stages of development with MVP set to release in April. Providing this solution is key for MF Chain and the cryptocurrency market, but not the only goal of MF Chain.

The larger vision of MF Chain is the MF Mainnet. Offering a suite of solutions including:

Multi-blockchain integration

Verified digital identity

Multi-currency ICO platform

Multi programming language

Private blockchains

Atomic Swap

Smart Contract Library

Innovation Incubator

Set to launch in 2019, MF Chain will be bringing to market a digital utopia. One where developers and visionaries can quickly bring their ideas to life. One where consumers and merchants are completely free to interact with their cryptocurrency in any method they choose and be rewarded. MF Chains’ goals are at the core of what cryptocurrency and blockchain represents. Freedom, choice, control, privacy and completely open sourced.

Contributing to MF Chain is contributing to the future of cryptocurrency. MF Chain and the MF Mainnet will bring to market a new platform allowing upstart, undermanned and underfunded projects to come to life. Not only will the Innovation Incubator be the future of many great ideas yet to hit the market, the multi-cryptocurrency ICO platform will allow all the freedom of choice when it comes to fundraising.

As a special thank you to our private and pre sale participants, MF Chain is providing the unique opportunity to support these upcoming projects and help drive the adoption of cryptocurrency. Participants in either round that contribute 10 or more ETH will receive the following special bonus:

1 MFI (Modern Finance Incubator) token in each of the first 5 ICO projects per 10 ETH

Max tokens per contributing address is 20 (based on the max contribution of 200ETH)

888 Max tokens

Token values will be pulled from a reserved pool of tokens for sale in each ICO

Each token will be equal in value

Tokens are transferable and sent to ETH wallet address provided during the ICO

Tokens will NOT be traded or listed on any exchanges

Join the MF Chain ICO and help build the future of cryptocurrency today!

Read the MF Chain Whitepaper at HERE

Review the MF Chain one pager HERE

Read the MF Chain ICO FAQ’s HERE



Modern Finance Chain
Modern Finance Chain

— A public smart contract platform with merchant payment processing integration