Modern Finance Chain Integrates ShapeShift

Modern Finance Chain
Modern Finance Chain
2 min readMay 24, 2018

Modern Finance Chain is pleased to announce the partnership and integration of ShapeShift within the Modern Finance Chain Merchant application. Accessible directly from the MF Chain application, users are now afforded the the ability to exchange tokens without the need to access exchanges, providing an additional level of choice to the MF Chain user base. With plans to expand on additional services like ShapeShift, Modern Finance Chain is providing users with several options for liquidity and exchange.

Viacheslav Shybaiev said “Our goal is not to provide users with one single method for liquidity of tokens, but multiple. There are a great number of amazing options for users out in the market today, we want to provide as many of these options as possible.”

The ShapeShift API is integrated in the Modern Finance Chain MVP as a view only demo. Full function of ShapeShift exchange services will be available for usage with the full application launch scheduled later this year.

The Modern Finance Chain Token Sale is runs through the 25th of June. To participate visit for more information.

About ShapeShift

ShapeShift is a web and API platform formed in August of 2014 to provide instant Bitcoin and altcoin conversion with the maximum level of consumer protection and efficiency.

Users do not have to create accounts, deposit funds, or provide private personal information. This keeps the users safe from identity or financial theft — a critical improvement in exchange technology.



Modern Finance Chain
Modern Finance Chain

— A public smart contract platform with merchant payment processing integration