Play Learning Mix 1: Feel Experiences

Modern Global Trends
2 min readFeb 21, 2017

By TheNewABC

Introducing DJ Me, World Tour 2017!

“Don’t Die With Your Music Still In You.”

In 2017 we are taking you on a journey with DJ Me to enable you to be fully alive in the 21st Century.

For doing so, every week 3 discoveries for feeling global signals, that can touch your heart, impact your work and/or life!

Consider to play this mix:

  • Be like a child and learn by doing.
  • Try first and feel.

Ready? Play Mix 1: Feel Experiences

Track 1: Retail — Amazon Go (watch)

Amazon Go (watch)

Track 2: Robotics - Meet Sophia (watch)

Meet Sophia (watch)

Track 3: Virtual Reality — Cardboard (try)

Cardboard (try)

We enable you to learn and practice modern work skills.

Stay tuned for a new learning mix!

Modern Work Skills

