Here’s How Women Have Been Defeminized

6 Behaviors that block us from our feminine power.

Lisa Marie Rankin
Modern Goddess


Photo from the author’s Pro Canva account

While I’ve always looked feminine, it wasn’t until recently, let’s say the last eight years, that I really felt I was utilizing my feminine power in my relationships, career, and health.

Up until then, I worked long hours at an uninspiring job, my mood was often totally dependent on whether or not I received a vapid text from the man du jour, and while I ate healthily and exercised most days, I drank alcohol to calm my nerves, used laxatives to eliminate regularly, and over-the-counter sleeping aids to fall asleep.

Looking back, I was a far cry from the physical and spiritual health I help women achieve today.

So, what happened to me? Why was I basing my worth on the attention I received from men and depending on external substances to make me feel balanced and at ease? By the way, these strategies didn’t work.

It’s because I lost connection to my feminine power. I’m not even sure if I remembered it existed.

Defeminization is the disconnection from our female bodies, leading to a loss of intuition, creativity, and power.



Lisa Marie Rankin
Modern Goddess

Heal your body and enliven your spirit through Divine Feminine practices and principles to thrive in all realms of life.