Expanding our offerings in a time of need: Community Support Sessions

Modern Health
Modern Health
Published in
5 min readMar 16, 2020

Updated Friday, March 20:

Thank you to everyone who joined our Community Conversations this week. We heard from many of you that these Sessions provided a welcome connection with others and that the guidance from our providers have helped alleviate stress during this time. As such, we’ve decided to continue offering live Sessions that reflect Modern Health’s services over the next several weeks.

Please bookmark this page to see our updating calendar of sessions and our YouTube playlist for replays of past sessions.


30 Minute Mindfulness and Relaxation (Starting Wed 3/25)

Register Here | Mondays and Fridays at 9am PT;
Register Here | Wednesdays at 5pm PT

Join together with our global community to take a deep breath. These live sessions will be structured to begin with a quick 5 minute exercise that follows into an extended session for those who can stay.

1 Hour Webcast: Coping with Stress and Anxiety During Uncertainty

Register Here | Tuesdays at 10am PT

Hear from a Modern Health therapist and identify the actions you can take to help cope with stressful or uncertain situations. This session will share common reactions during or after a stressful event, such as emotions, behaviors, thoughts, and physical reactions, and teach healthy methods of coping through and after the event. Each session will also include a time for conversation, where you can bring up areas of stress you’re feeling at the time.

Topic-Based Support

Join our community for conversations on a rotating set of topics, from financial confidence to family to healthy lifestyles. This section will be constantly updated as we add to our calendar.

Supporting our People Managers

Register Here | Thursday, March 26 @ 9:30am PT

As a manager, it can be tough to know how best to support your teams during stressful situations. Join a panel of Modern Health’s Care and Client teams to learn about how to take care of yourselves, while taking care of your people.

This week, Modern Health will host a series of free Community Support Sessions aimed at helping people cope with the challenges and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus. These sessions are designed to equip participants with meaningful strategies to overcome stress or anxiety they may be facing across various areas of their lives, such as emotional support, financial confidence, and remote working.

We have arranged for our coaches and therapists to provide advice on how to best approach these important areas of interest and to answer questions that may come up from our community. These sessions will be available to anyone, regardless of whether they are a user of Modern Health or not.

Please feel free to register for any of our sessions below, and pass this resource on to anyone who could benefit from it:

Tuesday, March 17: Managing Isolation and Loneliness

With social isolation being the ideal method for containing the spread of the virus, we will be joined by ICF-certified wellness coach Lila Sklar to discuss the best strategies to cope with the feelings of aloneness that limited social interaction and work-from-home policies bring.

Time: 2pm — 3pm Pacific

Register Here | Watch the Replay

Wednesday, March 18: Maintaining Healthy Lifestyles During Stressful Times

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is critical in stressful times. With disruptions in your current routine, Dr. Erica Simon, Clinical Psychologist, will share some tips for staying healthy.

Time: 10am — 11am Pacific

Register Here | Watch the Replay

Thursday, March 19: Financial Confidence in Challenging Times

With global economic turmoil and uncertainty over the financial markets growing, our financial wellbeing coach MicKallyn Ellis, FFC will discuss tips to improve your financial confidence.

Time: 1pm — 2pm Pacific

Register Here

Friday, March 20: Work From Home Wellbeing

With many companies instituting new work from home policies, our wellness coach Lauren Krasny, will review some tips and tricks of working from home.

Time: 2pm — 3pm Pacific

Register Here

Monday, March 23: Mindfulness Workshop

Practicing mindfulness can be a great way to cope with challenges and relieve stress in your life. In this session, Modern Health provider Ainhoa Campo will lead an overview on how to practice mindfulness and conduct an interactive practice.

Time: 9am — 10am Pacific

Register Here

Please feel free to reach out to us at info@joinmodernhealth.com at any time if you need any further support and follow our social media accounts for additional resources.

Please Note: The content in these webinars are provided for educational purposes only. These are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please contact your healthcare provider for clinical needs, and never disregard professional mental health advice or delay seeking it because of something you have heard in this webinar.

