Keep Your Sanity While Working from Home and Homeschooling

Modern Homeschool Family
Modern Homeschool Family
3 min readSep 20, 2016

A homeschool mom’s most important job is raising her children, overseeing their education, getting dinner on the table and administering an ample dose of hugs and kisses at bedtime. Homeschool moms pull off minor miracles to get this done. Add in earning money from home and it can get overwhelming! A work-at-home mom really is working two jobs at once and the biggest challenge for a mother is learning to do both in harmony.

There are some tips and tricks every work-at-home homeschool mom could utilize. It is important to understand that each person is unique and in a work-at-home setting what may work for others may not be what works best for everyone. Yu should feel free to experiment and discover what works for you and your family.

Home Business Setup Tips

When operating a business from home it is important to do so from a designated area. Making sure this area is clean, well-organized and well stocked with essentials will alleviate frustrations, which may be caused by trying to find the phonebook or stapler in a hurry. This should be carried over to the lives of the children in the home as well, after all if Johnny can find his crayons easily he will be less likely to bug mom during work hours.

An office area should include any tools necessary to complete daily work such as a computer, Internet access, a telephone, cell phone and fax machine if applicable for the particular job being done. Along with all of these things perhaps the most important tool needed is privacy and freedom from distraction.

Tips for a Successful Work-At-Home Day

There are some simple steps that can be taken in order to enjoy a productive work-at-home day. The first is to set a schedule and stick to it. In order to have a stress-free day the work day should begin at the same time every day, focus on objectives, schedule breaks and plan ahead for any foreseeable variations to that schedule.

It is important to understand that children will be more accepting of schedule changes if they know they are coming and they know the game plan for the day. If breaks are normally taken at 2PM for homeschool or story time, be sure to discuss any changes in advance. For example, Jenna will be less agitated if she knows in the morning story time will have to wait until 2:30 and then is reminded of this again at lunch. By keeping them apprised of the situation children realize they are a priority and their special time has not been forgotten.

What Every Work-At-Home Mom Must Remember

Above all else, a work-at-home mother must make time for her own well-being and her own personal life as this will help to keep the stress factors to a minimum. Parents must remember to get a good night’s sleep each night, exercise each day, make time for themselves, say no to clients in unrealistic situations, and network. There are many groups designed specifically with networking for work-at-home moms in mind, they are a great resource for advice, support and even clientele.


Originally published at Modern Homeschool Family.

