Year by Year Teaching Guide for Homeschoolers

Modern Homeschool Family
Modern Homeschool Family
3 min readNov 1, 2016

Without a doubt, homeschooling can be rewarding, both for parents and their children. But it can also prove a mighty challenge. As a parent, you have an incredibly important job. Not only do you want to teach your child in a manner that feeds his brain and nourishes his thirst for knowledge, but you have to figure out what to teach him in the first place. Once you finally have that covered, you still have to decide when is the right time to cover each concept. Fortunately, we can help you with that.

Year by Year Teaching Guide for Homeschoolers

We’ve created this series to help you on your journey, providing grade level specifics you can use as a guide whether you’re planning how to support your preschooler’s curiosity and creativity, deciding which science to teach your 5th grader, or trying to ensure that your child is well prepared for life and education after high school.

This series of guides will provide not only the information you need to decide what to teach but also hints and insights into how to teach it. Thanks to this series, you can move forward with confidence that your child is on the right learning track. Keep it handy throughout each year of this amazing adventure we call homeschooling.

Year by Year Teaching Guide for Homeschoolers

This guide is a practical no-fluff ebook that gives you exactly what it says it does. We’ll show you what’s most commonly covered in every subject in every grade from preschool through graduation.

Here’s a peek at what’s inside:


We’ll be sharing more excerpts and information about each grade level in the weeks to come but if you want the full eBook for yourself, it’s available for purchase right now! Get everything you need to know for every grade level, all 190 pages, in an instant download for just $15.

Click the image below for instant access!



Originally published at Modern Homeschool Family.

