A Comprehensive Guide to Avoiding Catastrophe

Robert Dearing
Modern Leaders
Published in
5 min readOct 8, 2023

A Lighthearted Cautionary Bible for Leaders

Photo by George Sheldon On Shutterstock

If you are looking for a book on how to be successful in business it is not likely you won’t find what you are looking for. There are hundreds of books on the subject available from Amazon or any number of other booksellers. What you will not find is a book on what “not to do” if you want to be successful…until now that is.

Donald Keough was president of Coca-Cola from 1981 to 1993 and led the world’s largest soft drink maker during one of its most successful eras, and one of its worst. Along with a detailed account of the failed introduction of New Coke Keough shares his years of executive experience in his book “The Ten Commandments for Business Failure”. In it, he outlines the critical mistakes that led to the downfall of some of the country’s most iconic businesses.

What does he tell us?

In his book, Keough lays out a compelling blueprint of mistakes to avoid in the world of business. As a seasoned business executive, he draws on his vast experience to outline ten separate reasons that can lead to disastrous consequences. Each consequence serves as a valuable lesson offering practical advice to navigate away from failure. Let’s look at Keough’s ten failure consequences and the lessons they offer.

1: Quit Taking Risks

One of the surest paths to failure in business is the avoidance of risk-taking. Keough emphasizes that playing it safe can lead to stagnation and missed opportunities. While reckless risk-taking is unwise, calculated risks are crucial for growth and innovation. Embracing change and adapting to new circumstances are essential traits that successful businesses foster.

2: Be Inflexible

Adaptability is the lifeblood of a thriving business. Keough warns against clinging to old practices and refusing to adapt to evolving market trends. Flexibility enables businesses to seize new opportunities, overcome challenges, and maintain relevance in an ever-changing landscape.

3: Isolate Yourself

Business success often hinges on collaboration and partnerships. Keough highlights the dangers of isolation and emphasizes the value of building meaningful relationships with customers, suppliers, and other industry players. Engaging with stakeholders fosters loyalty and creates a support network, making it easier to weather storms.

4: Assume Infallibility

Excessive self-confidence and pride can be a company’s downfall. Acknowledging and learning from mistakes is essential for growth and resilience. Remain humble, open to feedback, and willing to course-correct when necessary. Embracing a culture of continuous improvement is key to long-term success.

5: Play the Game Close to the Foul Line

Integrity and ethical behavior are the bedrock of sustainable business success. Do not compromise values for short-term gains, as this can lead to severe reputational damage. Businesses that prioritize honesty and transparency earn trust, which is invaluable in the long run.

6: Don’t Take Time to Think

In a fast-paced world, taking time to reflect and strategize might seem counterintuitive, but it is vital. Keough stresses the importance of thoughtful decision-making and foresight. Rushed choices often lead to costly errors, while thoughtful planning ensures better outcomes.

7: Put All Your Faith in Experts and Outside Consultants

While seeking expert advice is valuable, blindly following consultants’ recommendations can be dangerous. Businesses must retain their autonomy and critically evaluate advice before implementing it. No one knows the business better than those who work in it every day.

8: Love Your Bureaucracy

Bureaucracy can suffocate innovation and stifle creativity. Businesses must remain nimble and dismantle unnecessary bureaucracy. Streamlining processes and empowering employees to make decisions fosters a dynamic and efficient organization.

9: Send Mixed Messages

Consistency in communication is crucial for building a strong brand and loyal customer base. Sending mixed messages can confuse customers and erode trust. Businesses should ensure that their messaging aligns with their values and mission.

10: Be Afraid of the Future

Fear of the unknown can paralyze a business. Leaders are encouraged to embrace change and see the future as an opportunity for growth. Embracing innovation and staying ahead of the curve is essential for maintaining a competitive edge.

Failure to recognize the obvious.

Donald Keough has given us a glimpse into the ten critical mistakes that can lead to business failure one of which is “The Failure to Recognize the Obvious.” He explains that companies often fail due to their inability to see and capitalize on straightforward opportunities that could have transformed their trajectory. Here are a few that you will recognize, what they missed, and “lesson learned.”

1.Kodak: — The Digital Photography Revolution

Once an iconic name in the photography industry. With the advent of digital photography, the company missed a transformative opportunity. Kodak actually had a hand in inventing one of the first digital cameras, but the management failed to grasp the potential of this innovation.

Lesson: Embrace Innovations — Even if they disrupt your existing business model, recognizing and investing in emerging technologies can be the key to survival and future growth.

2.Blockbuster: — The Rise of Streaming Services

Blockbuster was once a household name. They ignored the rise of online streaming services as consumer preferences shifted towards digital content. They failed to adapt, and this lack of foresight eventually led to their downfall.

Lesson: Adapt to Changing Trends — Business landscapes evolve rapidly, and failing to adjust to shifting consumer behaviors can lead to irrelevance and failure.

3.Nokia: — Overlooking the Smartphone Revolution

Nokia was once synonymous with mobile phones. When the smartphone revolution began, Nokia was slow to react and underestimated the potential of touchscreen technology.

Lesson: Anticipate Customer Needs — Understanding and meeting customer demands are essential for sustained success. Businesses must be attuned to changing preferences and adapt their offerings accordingly.

4.Yahoo: — The Missed Opportunities in Search and Social Media

Yahoo was once a leading internet company, providing services like email, news, and search. However, they missed significant opportunities in search and social media. While they had a search engine, Yahoo did not invest enough in improving it, allowing Google to gain a stronghold in the search market losing relevance and market share to their competitors.

Lesson: Stay Agile and Competitive — In the digital age, staying ahead of the curve is vital. Seizing opportunities and being agile in response to industry changes is critical for continued growth and relevance.

What Have We Learned

From these examples, we learn that embracing change, recognizing emerging trends, and being proactive are essential traits for successful businesses. In a constantly evolving marketplace, a failure to seize opportunities can prove catastrophic. Entrepreneurs must cultivate a mindset that welcomes innovation, stays adaptable, and is always on the lookout for potential avenues of growth. By learning from the mistakes of others, aspiring business leaders can chart a path to prosperity and sustainability in today’s dynamic world of commerce.

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Robert Dearing
Modern Leaders

With 30 years of management experience, I write about everyday business situations or events. My goal is to share and strive to encourage, educate and support.