
The Phalanx Approach to Business Leadership

How the ancient Greeks’ approach to personal excellence and team success can reshape your leadership strategy today

Sean Stewart
Modern Leaders
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2023


A man with a Hoplite spear and sheeld
At Marathon battle reenactment organised by living history enthusiasts. Photo by Sean Stewart

Have you ever wondered where the border is between personal success and team success? Is your team a collection of individuals who happen to be in a team, or is your team the primary unit, which happens to be made up of individuals?

The question of where to put the emphasis — on the team as a whole or on the individuals who make up that whole — can affect your leadership and the success you have in reaching your objectives.

As you probably guessed, there is no simple answer to this conundrum. However, taking a step back and consciously chewing on the problem can shed light on how you might approach your leadership.

Let’s start in ancient Greece because as with so many things, their experience can serve as a nice metaphor for modern business life.

The ancient Greeks lived in a society that emphasized personal, individual development and competition. They invented the Olympic Games, after all! Personal excellence was the foundation on which society was built. The key to success in antiquity was to stand out, to excel, to beat the…



Sean Stewart
Modern Leaders

Historical leadership expert who helps to leverage the power of the past to become better leaders. https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-stewart-speaker/