Write with Modern Leaders
Tell your stories of the past, thoughts of the now, and visions for the future of collaboration and leadership
Please note: Modern Leaders is currently not accepting new writers or articles. We are having a break.
Keep an eye on the publication for information of when it again will work normally — when the break will be over. The exact date for this has not been planned yet.
How great that you found your way to Modern Leaders! And to this text about how to become one of us.
In a way, you are already one of us. Modern leaders do not see people as different based on formal titles or official designations. People are what they do. Lead where you have the skills and visions for it, and you are a leader. Lead with us, together, appreciating all skills and inputs, all efforts — and all flaws and learning points. And you are a modern leader.
Writing for the Modern Leaders publication
Modern leadership is not extremely easy to pinpoint — it isn’t a handbook that you can read and then you’ll do everything right. It isn’t an absolute “no” to everything previous either.