Zowe Download Challenge Solved

Rose Sakach
Modern Mainframe
Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2020

Obtaining authorization to download Zowe™ for your Enterprise just got easier

When The Open Mainframe Project (OMP) introduced Zowe to the Mainframe world, the contributors not only introduced Open Source and the power of the open source community to Mainframers — the resulting service-oriented software framework dramatically changed the available tooling landscape for both DevOps and Modernization efforts associated with the mainframe. The collective Zowe components (z/OS Services, Application Framework, API Mediation Layer, and Command Line Interface) enable off-platform access to mainframe services. The CLI (Command Line Interface) component, which installs on the desktop, enables a platform interaction style often used by cloud developers. The look-and-feel is very familiar to many experts within organizations. In fact, when Enterprise Architects, Release Engineers, and Next-gen Developers are introduced to Zowe they’re eager to try it out only to be disappointed to learn that one obstacle still prevents them from beginning their journey with Zowe — until now.

Mainframe Organizations have Software Restrictions

Though all of the Zowe components are available for download at https://www.zowe.org/download, many organizations have enabled policies that impose website restrictions, preventing Systems Administrators from accessing the software. We have heard from several customers interested in trying Zowe who have no means in which to obtain it. So despite the free availability of Zowe, downloading software from an Open Source website is simply not permitted and therefore poses a challenge to DevOps teams technically capable of experimenting and exploiting the components for viability.

Open Source and More from a Trusted Vendor

At Broadcom, we recognized this challenge and as a result, implemented an alternative. We have introduced a Broadcom site dedicated to providing the latest Zowe Release software distribution. The site enables enterprise customers the ability to quickly obtain all of the Zowe components from a company-authorized, trusted website.

Navigate to the Zowe Free Distribution site to download the Zowe components, which include:

  • The current release of the Zowe documentation in PDF format
  • The current release of all core Zowe components
  • The current release of all Zowe Conformant Broadcom product plug-ins

In addition, we realized we could augment the download experience by offering a quick-access Q&A forum and we could easily and more visibly share installation and getting-started pointers obtained from a wide range of resources. They include: our Customers, Mainframe Engineers, Technical Experts, User Experience Designers and the Open Source Community. This inspired us to expand our deliverable. So, in addition to offering downloads for all Zowe components, the Broadcom Zowe Free Distribution site also provides:

Broadcom Zowe Distribution Landing Page
  1. Local packages (.TGZ files) for every published Zowe CLI Broadcom Product Plug-in
  2. A quick-start, 5-step process describing the minimal install for trying Zowe CLI with any of the Broadcom product plug-ins
  3. A one-click “Ask Broadcom” capability where registrants can both post and review threads related to Zowe installation experiences and challenges

Not a Broadcom Customer? No problem.

The Broadcom Zowe download site is not limited to Broadcom customers. Any Mainframe organization wishing to obtain Zowe software downloads can visit the Zowe Free Distribution site. Simply follow the registration instructions. It is important to note that software obtained from the site does not include any formal support for the Zowe components. However, if you would like formal support, Broadcom has a comprehensive, 24 x 7 Enterprise Grade Support offering for all Zowe components. The offering is called CA Brightside. In addition to providing support for Zowe, CA Brightside also provides IP legal assurance, early access to innovations and support for all of the extensions included in the Code4z mainframe developer code pack available at the Visual Studio Code marketplace. It is also important to note that all Zowe Conformant Broadcom product plug-ins include comprehensive support as part of their “parent” product license. No additional license is required.

Zowe Support and More

In addition to offering Zowe Conformant CLI plug-ins for a growing list of mainframe products, Broadcom continues to invest in innovative plug-ins and offerings that complement the Zowe foundational components. These Broadcom add-ons for Zowe are available exclusively to CA Brightside customers. For more details, product and contact information please visit the CA Brightside web page. In the meantime, now that you can download Zowe, go ahead and give it a try!

For more information on Zowe, visit https://www.zowe.org

Learn about it! Read a blog: visit https://medium.com/zowe

Talk about it! Join our Slack Channel, visit: OMP Zowe Slack Channel

Questions? Comments? Send me an email at Rose.Sakach@broadcom.com

