Zowe Wins DevOps Award A Second Time!!!

Best DevOps for Mainframe Solution for 2nd year in a row

David McNierney
Modern Mainframe
3 min readJan 12, 2023


‘Winning takes talent, to repeat takes character’
— John Wooden

The Zowe open source community received fantastic recognition by being named the “Best DevOps for Mainframe Solution” in the DevOps Dozen awards for the second year running. This win reflects the many achievements from this past year, including the following:

Continued Growth

Zowe is growing in every area: components, extensions, community members and adoption. For more and more mainframe shops, Zowe is accelerating application modernization and DevOps adoption. Take a moment to review the rich and growing portfolio of extensions.

Launch of Zowe V2 LTS

“As organizations expand their hybrid cloud workloads, the Zowe framework evolves to address critical architectural requirements,” said Rose Sakach, Chair of the Zowe Technical Advisory Committee and Product Manager at Broadcom. “Since its launch in 2018, Zowe has become a foundational enabler to businesses’ hybrid IT strategy. The LTS V2 Release will continue to strengthen this value with developer-friendly features and benefits.”

To learn about V2 LTS, read the Press Release and, for more technical detail, Welcome Zowe version 2 LTS.

Five Zowe SDKs Introduced

To learn more about these SDKs, read Zowe Software Development Kits.

New Zowe Chat Incubation

To learn about this component, read Zowe™ Gets Chatty.

Other incubations include a Zowe IntelliJ Plugin [learn more] and ZEBRA, which Provides re-usable and industry-compliant JSON formatted RMF/SMF data records, so that many other ISV SW and users can exploit them using open-source SW for many ways [learn more].

New Zowe Support Provider

Open source success is built on the passion and hard work of individual communities. A big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to Zowe in 2022…

… and let’s continue to make Zowe an even more effective framework for mainframe champions in 2023! It’s our character.

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David McNierney
Modern Mainframe

DevOps @ Broadcom #devops #zowe #zos #IBMz #mainframe #jenkins #cicd #agile #mhealth #github #vscode