Finding your way back……

Oliver Connick
Modern Memento Mori


Lately life has been testing me somewhat. It has been some months now since my Mother passed and the unexpected wanted reality does really occur….you get used to your loved one no longer being there, no longer easily contactable, reachable……

The path of realisation moves on, you begin to no longer mourn the loss, rather you truly sense the void that such a loss has created in your life, in ways you before may not have envisaged.

Have you ever not truly appreciated the role a person can have in your private community? In mine, my Mother was almost akin to the High Priestess of our Tribe so to speak. Life directly and indirectly revolved around her. So what to do when your Leader is no longer present? You must become your own Leader, follow the path you create for you, move forward to live your present so that it creates your future. However, what happens when you feel unable, the void/loss is exerting too strong a negative influence upon you!

In such moments, I have felt like a boat lost at sea. No oars, no sail, on a windless ocean and with fog preventing me to see what way I need to go. Which way to happiness, which way to continued sadness, which way to the rebuild of my life, which way to a darkness from which only others could help me return from……..? This for me is what loosing someone whom you love so much feels like. Helplessness and total vulnerability in a world you no longer feel you can have an effect in.

Then it dawns on you. Look up and realise there is a force that cannot be seen, a force that you can connect with so as to feel its positivity and power…a power to clear the fog in your mind, see the tools that you have within so as to create your own sails, tap into the power of your soul to call upon the wind so as to push and guide you in the right direction. This force, it is love.

When I feel lost, helpless….I must remember, love. To love others and remember the power of the love that I have received. No other force in the Universe can overcome the strength of its positive and healing effects. When it feels like there is no way out, that you are at an impasse, look up and call upon the power of love to come and rescue you.

I am grateful for the love you gave me my dear Mother. I feel it now and always and forever will the power of my love for you be unbreakable.



Oliver Connick
Modern Memento Mori

Irish, seeking to keeping learning every day, keep developing to become all that I can be, to help, to give back.