Help! No one warned me about what happens after you start writing, meditating and doing yoga.

Tom Savage
Modern Men
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2016

Cigarettes carry a health warning, Alcohol has suggested and mandated limits.

No one warned me about writing, meditating or doing yoga.

Pretty much these things are universally seen as good things. I didn’t think they would be more addictive than crack cocaine, I imagine. I’ve written one book, and when I was ‘In it’ writing it everyday, it felt amazing. I can’t even remember it all that well, because I wasn’t thinking. It was the equivalent to a runners high. I was just doing it, same with yoga.

The problem is now I want more. If I can’t get to yoga for whatever reason, I feel terrible. If I go more than a few days without writing, I start to get edgy, anxious, and irritable. I can no longer binge watch Netflix without feeling uneasy, and I love binge watching Netflix!

In November I went on a Meditation retreat run by the London Buddhist Centre (which I highly recommend, check out a course here ) and one of the things that struck me was that the organisers warned us about what might happen once we started to be really conscious. Because once you start to be mindful, you’re aware of how good it feels to meditate. How good the stillness feels. I’ll write more about the retreat later, but just that two day snapshot gave me a sense of how things should and could be. I do feel nervous that I’ve opened a pathway of awareness which is sitting patiently waiting for me to turn back towards it and stride down it with purpose. It’s like a window thats been left open and every now and again I become aware of the draft, but I simply put on another layer and ignore it. This strategy will surely work, and I can’t see any downside to it at all, it’s fine.

Part of me wishes I hadn’t begun this improvement process, ignorance is bliss and all that. However, the fact that there is three things that can make your life better and all can be done for free, if you learn a few simple yoga sequences.

Now the question I have to answer is what am I going to do with all this awareness, inner peace and new found perspective… Wait, DareDevil season 2 is out? Damnit.



Tom Savage
Modern Men

I quit my job and took a year off to write, this is the reality of my experience.