7 Breathing Techniques to Upgrade Your Body, Brain, Energy, & Focus

Take your first breath toward a better life.

Hudson Rennie
Modern Mindfulness


Person sitting in a frozen lake — perhaps doing the Wim Hoff breathing method to stay warm.
Photo by K B on Unsplash

I don’t love the term ‘bio-hacking.’

It suggests there’s a shortcut to thinking, feeling, or performing the way you’d like. And if I’ve learned anything in life, it’s that there are no shortcuts.

That said, breathing is a lost art — making the results feel like magic.

Intentional breathing triggers autonomic responses in your body and brain. It’s not bio-hacking, but rather clever programming.

It’s how “The Iceman”, Wim Hoff, is able to endure subzero temperatures without suffering frostbite. And David Blaine can lower his heart rate to perform extreme magic tricks.

Perhaps the most profound example of breath work is from a German woman named Katharina Schroth. After a failed back bracing, she cured her scoliosis with self-taught breathing techniques.

These are just a few examples of the power of intentional breathing.

Below are 7 techniques you can use to drastically improve your life. Everything from lowering anxiety to improving focus, and making you physically stronger.



Hudson Rennie
Modern Mindfulness

I write about all sorts of things. I hope you fall in love with my words. 🙋‍♂️🪴 Watch me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@hudsonrenniewrites