A Dream Is All We Know by The Lemon Twigs | Album Review

Nick Eustis
Modern Music Analysis
3 min readMay 9, 2024


The sixth album from the NYC indie pop-rock duo continues to stun with their modern take on classic sounds.

Credit: Eva Chambers, Captured Tracks

Before I saw a glowing Anthony Fantano review of Everything Harmony by The Lemon Twigs, I had never heard of this band before.

Despite being terminally online, I feel like I’m slow to discover the cool indie artists, so I’m so glad I was introduced to the duo of brothers Brian and Michael D’Addario. This New York indie rock outfit has an impeccable ability to give a modern twist to the most classic pop rock sounds of the 60s and 70s, and they continue that tradition on their sixth album A Dream Is All We Know.

From minute one, we get more proof that the D’Addario brothers can make music that resonates with my soul, and I could play on repeat for years. Opening track “My Golden Years” is a euphoric 70s pop-rock number, with the brothers playing with both their trademark falsetto and the rougher sides of their voices. I also deeply feel the lyrics on this one, as they sing of being in the prime of their life, but knowing how they need to seize the moment:

Though so much has passed, the only thing true

Is nothing can last

And in the blink of an eye

I’ll watch these golden years fly by.



Nick Eustis
Modern Music Analysis

Musician and journalist with a passion for critique. Will be reviewing the latest in new music regularly. Always down to listen to something interesting!