Artist Spotlight: Charlie Smith

A look at fellow Vocal and Medium writer from Hampshire, UK

Josh Herring
Modern Music Analysis


I just want to sleep album cover

Recently, a fellow Vocal writer reached out to me about a feature piece. Being supportive of both Vocal and local artist, I’m always open to the idea. Meet Charlie Smith, an up-and-coming artist sticking true to their idea an “honest approach with no unnecessary effects”. In his album, I just want to sleep, Smith produces raw, emotive music focusing on melodies and his guitar.

This artist is very much reminiscent of a Nirvana-esqe vibe with low, husky vocals with a focus on emotion and a quieter vibe. It isn’t the exact eclectic rockstar movement the band once was; I think they are similar sonically more than anything. The phonetic aesthetic is similar when I imagine the two side by side. If I could put Smith’s music into a genre, it would probably be soft rock. This is evident throughout the album, give it a listen here! You can also find an older EP and single with the link, so show Charlie some love.

There’s something for everyone in this album. If you like lowkey, calm guitar vibes with calming vocals then the songs “I just want to sleep” and the artist’s personal favorite “I’ve got the method I’ve got the means”. If you want more rock-heavy guitar based music then songs like “There’s a place” are for you.

My personal favorites are “I just want to sleep” and “There’s a place”. The first being, in my opinion, the most complete song as far as evoking an emotion and a cohesive theme along with the best vocals on the album. The song itself is melancholy and can be representative of depression, especially out a relationship or traumatic event. Just wanting to sleep is almost an automatic response as life sometimes, as Charlie puts it, “feels like a dream”.

In “There’s a place”, I thoroughly enjoyed the guitar riff as they shred the track, almost to the point of taking away the focus on the lyrics. I think it’s safe to say though that the guitar is the main focus. It’s filtered out just a little bit so it’s not overbearing (but it could benefit if it did become a primary focus).

If you’re looking for a new and raw experience in music, look no further than Charlie Smith. He brings emotion and raw tracks (with no crazy effects) and a focus on authenticity to the forefront. With his new album, I just want to sleep, Smith adds a strong collection to his repertoire and showcases radio-wave potential.

