MMA Collaborative Spotify Playlist

Open to each and every reader and writer

Josh Herring
Modern Music Analysis


Photo by Haithem Ferdi on Unsplash

To create camaraderie and reader/writer engagement within the publication and Medium, Modern Music Analysis has created a collaborative Spotify in which anyone can add their favorite songs to. All you have to do is search up Modern Music Analysis on Spotify or click here and you’re well on your way!

Feel free to add any of your favorite songs from any genre and any era. This is a place to showcase your unique music taste and inspire others to expand their musical horizons. If you feel so inclined to write about a song from or the playlist in general, give us a shoutout!

I’ve already added a couple of songs, who’s next? Once the playlist has reached a sizable amount of songs, we will repost the results of the playlist along with some comments on the plethora of different kinds of music we expect to see. Remeber, literally anyone can add anything to this playlist — so make it fun!

This playlist will also eventually be featured on the Official Modern Music Analysis website, until then check out the rest of the site below:

