MMA Local Artist Series Pt. 2

Sean Solo from Macon, GA

Josh Herring
Modern Music Analysis


Morning Stars and Angels Sing album cover

Welcome back to another edition of the Modern Music Analysis Local Artist Series! Today, I will be highlighting Mr. Sean Solo, an artist from the same historic hometown of Otis Redding (among several other famous musicians) himself — Macon, Georgia. Here’s a little more about the artist and their newest project, Morning Stars and Angels Sing (which I will be reviewing below):

Sean Solo is an American Indie rock singer, guitarist and songwriter. Williams has been compared to Brian Wilson, Paul Simon, and Sufjan Stevens. PopMatters describes Williams as an “invigorating new pop act”. On May 28, 2021, he released his third LP Morning Stars and Angels Sing. The album marked a musical departure from his previous albums to a more folk-oriented sound. Pop Garden Radio stated that it was “a strong mix of indie pop, americana, folk and alt-country” and “by far the strongest effort from Sean Solo to date.”

I have an odd relationship with indie/folk music. I find it fascinating and oddly satisfying but I would never intentionally seek the genre to put in my own playlist. The genre itself draws from many inspirations, foremost, country — which I am not a fan of. However, it sets itself apart with the twang of sparse instrumentals and hippy-like lyrics, reminiscent of the Beatles and other cult-like artist of their time. I just makes me feel happy. This is how I felt listening to Solo’s, Morning Stars and Angels Sing.

The 11 song, 41 minute performance was an enjoyable experience. Despite never having listened to the album nor the artist before, it had a weirdly familiar incantation that I couldn’t turn away from. It had a vibe very similar to Of Monsters And Men’s famously folk, “Mountain Sound”. This is the type of music I expect if I were to ever go to an indie festival or Woodstock, 30 years ago. Or even a video game such as Maquette — an exquisite indie project. The perfect pairing for a psychedelic, outdoorsy experience.

Opening with similar grace to “Amazing Grace”, “Memories” is an almost melancholic realization that the worst and even the fondest of memories will fade, eventually. “The Grace You Gleam” is ultimate appraisal of the natural glow (gleam in this case) that comes with the notion of the person we love. It serves as almost a worship of this person, and is tied together with the religious notion of grace, patience, and a holistic point of view.

“Carry It Alone” is probably the best produced song of the bunch. It turns away from the folk aspect of the album and turns to a more sophisticated light punk rock type of song. I get serious Aerosmith vibes from this song, mad credit to the guitarist (honestly, the whole band — they showed out on this song).

While these songs are only a small portion of what the album has to offer, they provide the best insight on what to expect. The album provides that natural upbeat, happiness that folk music provides while still speaking on the melancholic side of life, like love and loss. If you’re into folk/indie music, then this is the perfect album for you. It is very well produced and Mr. Solo creates a captivating experience with his singing ability. Check it out below!

Favorite Songs: Memories, The Grace You Gleam, Carry It Alone

Find more on the MMA Local Artist Series at Modern Music Analysis with the link below. We can also be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter along with our official website!

