MMA Monthly Message

Updates for the month of September

Josh Herring
Modern Music Analysis


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Hello and welcome to another edition of the MMA Monthly Message! This is long overdue as we are now almost halfway through October, but here’s an update nonetheless. Truthfully, there hasn’t been any massive events going on with the publication or music in general.

The most noteworthy event from September was the launching of the Modern Music Analysis Podcast (the details of which I have thoroughly explained in previous stories). The podcast will be released biweekly (there’s an episode on Khalid coming on Monday the 18th) and is just a casual conversation on the topic of the episode, nothing less, nothing more. If you’re interested, you can find the podcast on Spotify and Apple Music or by clicking here! It is also worth noting that we will be looking for guest and their valued opinions soon so feel free to reach out if you’re interested.

One milestone the MMA publication has reached recently is 50k views. We are also approaching 150 followers. At 200 followers, I will be announcing a giveaway so be on the lookout for that and tell all your friends to follow Modern Music Analysis. A huge thanks to each of our viewers, readers, and writers making this publication what it is!

Stories of the Month

Josh Herring: My pick for story of the month is Desolate Testaments story breaking down Kanye West discography and providing their personal ranking for each album. Mr. West has a ton of work so I know it must be difficult to digest and determine a place for so many bodies of work. However, this writer has done an excellent job in providing an insight into how they perceive Kanye’s music. Make sure you check it out and show Desolate Testaments some love!

Mark Chinapen: For my story of the month, I’m going with Michael Datz’s review of By The Time I Get To Phoenix by Injury Reserve. Michael does a great job giving readers a brief history of the group, and how this new album throws away the notion of genre expectations out the window. It’s a pretty heavy album, especially considering how the death of member Stepa J. Groggs impacted the development, yet it all melds together rather beautifully, and Michael’s review hits a lot of points that ring incredibly true and acts as a buffer for those that might want to check the album out.

If Ever You’re Listening: My pick is the outstanding piece from G⬤NGENHUM about obscure record labels. If you think albums are the flip phone of the music industry, small record labels are the pager. The lack of attention small record labels get is almost criminal. I loved the insight Gongenhum provided for each label and the link for each of their sites. This is an incredibly insightful piece and one I highly recommend for people looking for great new music. You never know where your new muse will come from. Cheers to this writer for putting in the research and championing music that doesn’t get nearly enough attention.

That’s about it for the updates on September! Not too much going on but congrats to each writer on their story of the month. Be sure to check out the podcast and the stories mentioned above — thanks for reading!

