MMA’s Monthly Message

The first newsletter from Modern Music Analysis — February 2021

Josh Herring
Modern Music Analysis


Photo by Paweł Bukowski on Unsplash

A note from Josh Herring, the owner of Modern Music Analysis

Your Support Does Not Go Unnoticed

Hello, and welcome to the first newsletter from Modern Music Analysis! Thank you for all of your support through our first month or so as a publication on Medium. Having a creative outlet to write about music on a platform such as Medium is so important to who we are as readers and writers. You might’ve noticed how saturated the website can be with countless self-help articles, writing tips, and relationship issues. This publication is a step away from these clickbaity works and provides quality analyses of modern music from several different writer’s perspective. These writers and some of their work will be highlighted further down.

If you’re interested in contributing for Modern Music Analysis, click here and follow the steps! We’re always looking for insights on all kinds of music so don’t be afraid to put what you have out into the world through MMA.

The Growth of MMA

Since creating this publication in late January, we have amassed over 1000 views and around 25 followers! We have had several articles chosen for distribution very soon after publishing which highlights the quality of the content produced. Averaging about 17 unique visitors a day, MMA is growing steadily. If you — or anyone you know — loves music, send them in the direction of Modern Music Analysis!

Writer Spotlight

First up in the writer spotlight is Mark Chinapen. Mark is the first writer that was added to MMA and has pumped out great album reviews on artists such as Slowthai and Kendrick Lamar. To see some of Mark’s work click on the links below:

Next up is Ioannis Dedes. He has provided an outstanding analysis of the artist JORDYINADAZE and was distributed as a result. I look forward to seeing more from Ioannis! To check out his piece, click below:

Last but certainly not least is MikeSemantics. Mike has provided multiple pieces to MMA, compelling album reviews — most recently, on Frank Ocean. Be sure to check out Mike in the links below!

Also, shoutout to the newest writer Anton Astudillo! Welcome to the Modern Music Analysis family :)

A Look Ahead

Some pieces that are in the works are the analyses of artists Billie Eilish and SZA. Be on the look out for those as they are sure to be quality pieces! Also on the horizon, MMA is looking to expand the diversity of topics covered. Outside of album reviews and artist breakdowns, I think we should cover the broader spectrum of the impact of music. An analysis of how modern music affects certain aspects of our lives will hopefully be in the works soon. A tab will be added, accordingly, once published. If you’re interested in contributing such a piece, become an MMA writer!

To conclude, I want to thank each of our followers and viewers that have supported this platform. This idea wouldn’t have come to fruition without you. If you would like to leave any feedback for me or the publication, feel free to email us at Enjoy reading and rock on — thank you!

Modern Music Analysis, Josh Herring

