MMA’s Monthly Message

Updates for May 2021

Josh Herring
Modern Music Analysis


Photo by Marcela Laskoski on Unsplash

A message from the owner of Modern Music Analysis, Josh Herring

Special Announcements

Welcome back to another edition of MMA’s Monthly Message! This month, I have a few announcements to make regarding news within MMA. First, I have made some additions to the staff of the publication. Mark Chinapen and If Ever You’re Listening are MMA’s newest editors! Mark was the first writer beside myself for MMA, (if I’m not mistaken) and IEYL has contributed consistent, high quality posts for the publication for months now. As a result, I’ve entrusted these writers with the ability to approve and edit stories along with gauging further interest in the Modern Music Analysis publication.

As I mentioned in past newsletters, I left open the possibility of there being a Modern Music Analysis website. As of recently, this idea has come to fruition! The Modern Music Analysis website is up and live. The website offers the opportunity to become a member and interact with other members and blog editors in forums, groups, and posts. As of right now, this website is free to access and there is no paywall to access like there is on Medium. The plan is to have both the Medium publication and the website closely intertwined in order to keep a lock on the modern music scene. On the publication home page, there is a direct link under the “Official Site” tab. You should also be able to look up Modern Music Analysis and find it atop Google along with the Medium publication link. If not, click here or on the link below to check out the new website! Be sure to sign up as a member to keep up with everything music!


This will likely be the last installation in which I will include the growth numbers for each month as the publication seems to be growing exponentially. Occasionally, I will include benchmark goals that we’ve surpassed.

That being said, I am glad to announced that not only have each of the growth goals from April have been achieved, they have been immensely surpassed. Though we fell short of our follower goal last month, the month of May proved to be an astounding growth period as we reached over 60 followers. Both the total minutes read and total views goals were also smashed and the publication is looking over 100 unique visitors a day. Thank each and everyone of our readers for your support as we continue to grow!

Looking Ahead

In the coming weeks and months, there is expected to be a plethora of albums and tours being announced as we distance ourselves from the effects of COVID. As a result, there will be plenty of content including album reviews and music news. We look forward to music from artists such as Billie Eilish, Kendrick Lamar, Drake, and SZA. Many of these projects are tentative as very little has been officially announced. However, we are eagerly awaiting.

In addition to tentative releases, there is also a plan to install an album of the year series in which writers who would like to participate will highlight their favorite album of 2021 so far. This series will likely be initiated by Mark Chinapen so keep a look out!

That’s all for this edition of MMA’s Monthly Message! Thank you for all your support and contributions to Modern Music Analysis. Be sure to check out the brand new Modern Music Analysis website and to become a member to keep up with everything music for free!

