Satellite Business 2.0 By Sampha | Single Review

UK mix of singing and rapping creates a phenomenal track

Yegor Mirnov
Modern Music Analysis
3 min readJul 17, 2024


Source: Apple Music

LISTEN TO “Satelite Business 2.0": APPLE MUSIC | SPOTIFY

It has been almost a year since we heard some new music from Sampha.

After the phenomenal critical acclaim of his second studio album, Lahai, I expected that the closest time we would see Sampha releasing some new music would probably be his contribution, on someone else’s record.

Little Simz, the second artist featured on the track, has treated us to a striking and mostly electronic EP titled Drop 7 this year. Although it may not measure up to her studio work, it’s still been impressive.

Both are UK-born artists that have been under the spotlight for a long time.

For example, Sampha has previously collaborated with hip-hop stars such as Frank Ocean, Kendrick Lamar, Travis Scott, Kanye West, and Drake, so it is not the first time of him working with rappers. However, this collaboration came as a surprise both in terms of the time it dropped and the joint effort itself.

I have been a big fan of both artists, as they have both received phenomenal user reception and critical acclaim. With albums like Sometimes I Might Be Introvert, No Thank You, and Grey Area, all of which were contenders for the best records of the year, Sampha is not far behind with his Lahai and Process.

I truly believe that several of their works are pure examples of high-quality music. Both of the artists have shown longevity and consistency in their ability to deliver each time.

So you may assume the bar for this track was set high.

Source: Sampha | Youtube

“Satelite Business 2.0” is an enhanced remix of Sampha’s previous version of the song, “Satelite Business” on Lahai. If I were in your shoes, I would view it as not necessarily new, but a minor improvement to the song. However, in this instance, it’s a completely different take on the previously unremarkable song.

This collaboration is not your usual build of 1 verse — chorus — verse of the guest artist, and end.

Here, Sampha and Simz illustrate their chemistry in production, as Simz is also a big fan of the mix of electronic music with some more classic instruments.

The mix of it sounds harmonious and grandiose. At first, Simz, featured as a guest artist, contributes background vocals to Sampha and then switches to her rap performance in the latter half of the track. With her being on the background vocals supporting Sampha, she creates a feeling of being omnipresent on the track the whole time, really making it a 2-sided collaboration.

I often notice when two big artists collaborate, they barely give the room to breathe for both of them. Rarely is there any chemistry when artists either clearly separate their verses and establish boundaries, or when one artist completely takes over another.

Here it is different.

Sampha’s singing completely complements Simz’s conscious and playful rapping on this track, with his bridge serving as a majestic development of the track showcasing the scrupulous work and high-quality music.

To sum it up, it is an amazing track.

If you like both Sampha and Little Simz, you will be more than satisfied. Even if you’re unfamiliar with them, I still suggest giving it a try. The entrance barrier on this track is not overwhelming, but rather sweet and approachable.


Scores guideline:

0–2 (dramatically bad)

2.1–4.5 (bad)

4.6–6 (mediocre/mid)

6.1–6.9 (Ok)

7–7.5 (good)

7.6–8.6 (great)

8.7–9.9 (amazing)

10 (perfect)



Yegor Mirnov
Modern Music Analysis

25 k Views Writer | Writer for The Riff and Modern Music Publication | Niches: Music, Self-Help, Education, Student Life.