Sisään ja ulos by Antti Tuisku | Album Review

The long-time Finnish pop star releases a collection of anthemic pop jams.

Z-side's Music Reviews
Modern Music Analysis
10 min readOct 27, 2023


Through my infancy in my studies of Finnish, I have been increasingly interested in the musical sphere of the country. Like many Americans, I associated the Nordic country with death metal’s abrasive, dark sounds. In order to explore more diverse realms, I thought I would look into what Finland had to offer in the pop genre. In doing so I came across Antti Tuisku’s latest release Sisään ja ulos/ (In and Out). Tuisku got his start on Finland’s version of Pop Idol in 2003 (where he finished 3rd). Since then, he has released 13 albums (all of which charted in the Top 5 in Finland). His ventures have paired off with hosting, fashion, and dancing (of which he won Finland’s iteration of Dancing with the Stars in 2010). His most recent foray into music may be his last hearing of an announcement of his last performance being in July 2023. If this is his last studio album, he seems to be going out with a bang.

We open the record with the slow-burning Euro-pop jam “Show on ilmainen.” Tuisku keeps the song rather sultry as the murky calm pulls tension until its built release on the chorus. Antti celebrates his status as the sex symbol he’s become all the while still hoping his lover holds him in as high regard as he does them. In many ways, Tuisku touts his performance skills on the stage, “I have games and tricks that everyone has seen/ I’ll take double pay even if it’s not Sunday/ I get the feeling that they are special/ I’ve been practicing moves from videos/ I know I’m gorgeous, tight latex wears me/ For those who can afford it, I give a private show” (“Mul on pelit ja vehkeet jotka on kaikkia nähneet/ Otan tuplapalkan vaikka ei oo sunnuntai/ Saan ne tunteen et ne on spesiaaleija/ Mä oon harjoitellu videoista mooveja/ Tiedän oon upee, mua tiukka lateksi mua pukee/ Niille joilla on varaa mä annan private shown’). All of this praise and admiration is hollow to him without the attention of the center of his attraction. It’s a great glamorous pop song to start out the record.

Tähdet” feels much more familiar to the pop music I have heard from Europe. The track’s dance-heavy beat, slick synth wash, and pop-ready sound are made to get you into a euphoric sense of release on the dancefloor. There is a sense of urgency in celebrating the last moments of their time together from Antti’s lyrics, “Let’s raise our hands in the air and let the lights warm us up/ Let’s rock on the edge of the world, it’s not too late/ The stars in the sky are already dead/ We still have some time to dance down here” (“Nostetaan kätemme ilmaan ja annetaan valojen lämmittää/ Keinutaan maailman laidalla, ei vielä oo liian myöhäistä/ Tähdet taivaalla on jo kuolleita/ Täällä alhaalla meil on vielä hetki aikaa bailata”). This adds to the sense of release that the music brings to Tuisku’s words.

One of the singles off the record is the Spanish-inspired “Baila por mi.” I do like the experimentation that Tuisku goes into with this track. The bit of Latin flair brings something special to this radio-ready pop jam. Antti brings the following insight into the track in his Warner Music Finland interview:

“‘Baila por mi’ was born in the heart of Spain in November 2021. While listening to the sounds of the city on the balcony, we couldn’t resist the idea to pick up the guitar and start writing. A story was born that tells about a lonely, self-sufficient character who fills his own empty soul with materialistic things. Jurek, Kaisa Korhonen, Kalle Lindroth, Alioune Dia and Wille Mannila were making the song with me. I haven’t waited this long for the release of any of my own new songs!” — Antti Tuisku via Warner Music Finland

This international flair is further pushed through the mixture of Spanish and English parts within the song’s chorus. Tuisku plays the lonely playboy well through this sultry performance. You get this vision of a man lost in his vices using this moment to find some real connection as he sing, “Baila por mi, por mi, por mi/ Baila por mi, por mi, por mi/ Oon niin lonely, lonely, lonely.” It is probably one of my favorites off of this album.

The official music video to “Baila por mi” directed by Patrik Sundberg.

One of the cheekiest tracks on the album is the club-ready “GRINDR MAYHEM.” Tuisku brings in fellow Finnish pop musician BESS to add vocals to the track. I do like the club-ready sound of this track. Antti’s spoken/sung verses add to the sensuality. The chorus also has a really infectious hook. On top of that, BESS’s vocals really bring the diva energy that 90s house is known for. The song sees Tuisku exploring the aforementioned gay app to find a man to satisfy his needs. His playful sexuality comes through clearly in the song’s chorus, “The bio doesn’t say if you’re top or bottom/ Grindr Mayhem Every Weekend Mayhem/ Grindr Mayhem, shall we go for you or us?” (“Bio ei kerro, ootsä top vai bottom/ Grindr Mayhem joka viikonloppu Mayhem/ Grindr Mayhem, mennäänkö me teille vai meille?”). Tuisku explores all the common issues with the app (i.e. headless profiles, unresponsive men, and the constant hunt the one). While Antti remains coy about sexuality, he has the charisma for a good LGBTQ+ club banger.

Auto jää” sees Antti teaming up with 2nd place Eurovision contestant and pop/rap music Käärijä for this party anthem. This electronic pop track brings the party energy from the start. I love the anthemic feeling of the song’s chorus. The duo really brings the buzzing energy of an energetic pub in full celebration. Tuisku told Warner Music Finland how a speech at a party inspired the creation of this track:

“The ‘Auto jää’ single started from a speech heard at a recent evening party, where one of the revelers impressively expressed: ‘Follow the ice announcement, the car will freeze’. From this hilarious speech, we started with Jurek, Kalle Lindroth and Kaisa Korhonen to build a fun and catchy pop song, but I didn’t want to make the song alone. Fortunately, Käärijä got very excited about the song and went on this adventure with me, the end result of which we created the most responsible drinking song in history!” — Antti Tuisku via Warner Music Finland (2023)

It’s a great song about making sure a friend gets home safely after a wild night of drinking. The chorus’s joyous chat, “I’ll leave the car/ I’ll leave the car/ I hope you’ll help a friend tomorrow/ Now that it’s starting to look a bit like/ I’ll leave the car,” reminds us to not drive drunk and opt for another service home instead. I love the sentiment and the duo’s performance here. It’s yet another highlight for me on the album.

The official lyric video to “Auto jää” (feat. Käärijä)

Antti takes an affectionate turn on “Koti”/ “Home.” Tuisku goes into an interestingly moody territory with this piece. In a way, it has the same energy as Demi Lovato’s “Skyscraper” (albeit with a much more dance-oriented treatment with the song blooms). He told Warner Music Finland that he was aiming for an all-encompassing love song with this track:

“We wanted to write a universal love song about how the best place in the world is always with the person you love the most. I haven’t had a song in this style for a long time.” — Antti Tuisku via Warner Music Finland

Antti’s words show how comfortable and happy he feels with his lover, “I don’t need a castle or a palace/ Baby, it’s enough for me when you’re here/ My love is my walls, they can withstand all the winds, yeah… My home is where you are” (“En mä tarvii linnaa tai palatsii/ Beibi mulle riittää kun sä oot siin/ Sun rakkaus on mun seinät ne kestää kaikki tuulet, joo… Mun koti on siel missä sä oot”). It has grown on me with each listen. Something about how it swells into a bright sizzle of dance-pop keeps you coming back for more.

The official music video to “Koti” directed by Heikki Slåen.

We get a much more ambient feeling with “Elämä tuulee beibi.” Something about the thick synths and glowing samples brings me back to the 2010s. All of this lightness washed in a halo of neon brings out a sense of reverence that Antti seems to be going for.

“The song contains a strong idea that we don’t always have to just cope and survive in challenging situations in life. A person is much more than just a survivor. The song resonates strongly with me also because my own merciless attitude towards life, work and doing easily drives me to tired melancholy. It’s great to release a song after a long time that says that everything will turn out for the best in the end, and I’m not the only one who struggles from time to time in deep waters and with challenging things.” — Antti Tuisku via Warner Music Finland

Compared to some of the other tracks on this record, this one doesn’t grab me in the same way. I do appreciate Tuisku’s comforting point of view as he reminds us that we aren’t alone in struggles and strife.

Menkää rauhassa” has a real driving beat to it. The buzz of the synths and the sheer momentum of the chorus propels you forward in a stream of colors and sound. I can easily see someone closing their eyes and losing themselves to the energy this track brings. Tuisku’s words have a solemn tone as he appears to look back on the life of now passed loved one. I do wish the song had a bit more of a calmer vibe to accentuate this reverent energy. That said, I again quite like the gentle sense of caring that Tuisku emanates from this track.

Satisfyer pro” is yet another cheeky song about sex on the record. The dance-pop energy that this song radiates brings me back to the late 2000s in the best way possible. I really like Antti’s performance over the pop backing that gives me Katy Perry circa Teenage Dream era. There is quite a bit of humor in Tuisku’s desperation to please, “Up or down, faster or slower/ Is this good or will you get bored/ I can’t read your mind/ So show me what works for you/ I’m good, but not so good, so good/ I wouldn’t dare ask for help” (“Ylös vai alas, nopeemmin vai hitaammin/ Onko näin hyvä vai alat sä kyllästyä/ En osaa lukee ajatuksii/ Joten näytä mikä sulle toimii/ Mä oon hyvä, mut en niin hyvä, niin hyvä/ Etten kehtais apuu kysyä”). Antti’s persona really sells this irreverent yet playful look at aiming to satiate your lover’s sexual needs in any way you can. I really like how everything comes together on this track.

Jono”/ “Queue” is another humorous piece. This a bizarre dark and EDM-steeped track. I have to say the chorus, “Se on vaan jono, jono, jono, jono/ Jono, jono, jono, jono/ Törkee jono, jono, jono, jono,” will get caught in your head. I’m not the biggest fan of the pseudo-rapped verses, but the earworm of a chorus more than makes up for that. The little I know of Finland’s culture (and their utmost respect for waiting in line) makes this track all the more funny. I highly recommend researching Finn’s history of waiting in lines for the chance of free things (i.e. buckets) to get a better appreciation for the lyrical content.

We go in a gentler direction on “Sä mahdut vielä sisään.” The softness of Tuisku’s vocals works nicely against the effervescence of the production. It has both a warm and bubbliness that pairs very well with his inviting lyrical themes. Antti has a very welcoming presence as he reminds us that there is always a place for us in his life and home. I get a deep sense of appreciation not only for all those he cares for but for all the opportunities and things that he has.

We end the album with the titular song “Sisään ja ulos.” This has a really bittersweet feeling. The solemn sound of the synths brings out a sense of closure like that of the end of a movie. This amplifies the theme of closing out one chapter in your life to start anew. Unfortunately, this track is the least easy to translate with my current knowledge and toolset. The overarching theme Antti focuses on is how when one door closes, another opens. This may be a nod to this being his final record.

I really enjoyed the brand of pop music that Antti brought together on this release. Its infectious mix of dance, synth, and Euro-pop will easily get you pumped up to joyously move in any setting. I quite liked the moments of humor that came along in tracks like “GRINDR MAYHEM”, “Satisfyer pro”, and “Jono.” Even the more emotionally involved tracks had a euphoric edge. Some other highlights are the Latin-flavored “Baila por mi” and the pub-ready party anthem “Auto jää” (feat Käärijä). I really didn’t find anything that felt out of place or lacking on this project. It has made me interested to hear Tuisku’s back catalog of work (especially if this could be the closer to his singing career). If you like Euro-pop, give this a listen. My overall thoughts on Sisään ja ulos:

Loved it: “Show on ilmainen”, “Baila por mi”, “GRINDR MAYHEM” (feat. BESS), “Auto jää” (feat Käärijä), “Koti”, “Satisfyer pro”, “Jono”, “Sä mahdut vielä sisään

Liked it: “Tähdet”, “Elämä tuulee beibi”, “Menkää rauhassa” & “Sisään ja ulos

Disliked it: None

My overall rating: 8.0 out of 10.



Z-side's Music Reviews
Modern Music Analysis

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