Sweets that are just right | Highnoon’s debut album will have you asking for more of this indie dream-pop introduction.

Z-side's Music Reviews
Modern Music Analysis
3 min readNov 23, 2021
The debut album by Highnoon, Semi Sweet, released August 2019 on Oof Records.

There is a rising influence in dream pop coming into certain parts of the indie rock scene. One artist whose both been inspired by and incorporated this sound in Highnoon’s Kennedy Freeman. She began the process of shaping and tracking her sound while studying at Philadelphia’s Temple University. This would be the catalyst to the place she’s at know. When telling Performer on her sonic influences, she said:

“It changes a lot. But I’m really into Imogene Heap, Grouper, Cocteau Twins…a lot of dreamier, poppier music. I also really like Suzanne Vega right now. She’s sick.”

These definitely come through on her debut album Semisweet. Freeman and fellow band mate Justin Roth recorded the album between semesters at Temple University. The album is a milky smooth ride of dreamy pop tunes with a crunchier lo-fi edge that gives off a slightly more polished take on Cat Power’s Moon Pix.I am sure the album has gotten comparisons to fellow indie/alt rocker Soccer Mommy’s prior albums. The glittery tone is there, but Kennedy gives the tracks rawer edge that give them an entirely different dimension.

The album comes in at just under 30 minutes. One of my biggest critics is that it leaves me wanting more after listening all the way through. Another nice touch added to the record is the inclusion of several instrumental tracks, “Intro” and “Semisweet”. These tracks blend of creamy electric guitar and drums just feel like a being washed over by a technicolor sunset on a summer afternoon. “Lens” is a creamy dream-pop guitar driven number. It’s breezy, milky delivery definitely give me strings of Cocteau Twins. “Not the One” gives off a sultry feeling. Kennedy coos over the missed opportunity for love. “Tongue in Cheek” is one of my favorites off the album. This crunchy dream-pop/indie rock sound reminds me of something Cat Power might have played with early in her career. The song traces an image of a woman in the throws of her own issues and introversion. “Middle Distance Runner” is a purely acoustic track. Kennedy waxes on a someone whom she couldn’t quite get over. It’s nice track, but not my favorite. “Upswing” is my favorite on the album. The guitar and bass work just give off this dark interesting vibe I love. This juxtaposition against the lyrics of two people who clearly aren’t right for each other but are still trying to make it work really makes the song for me. “Mello Yellow” has this gorgeous crescendo of sliding guitar that creates the wave of color to the track that is just like a warm breeze. The album ends off on the lo-fi quite “Bloom” that makes you hush to hear the acoustic guitar and Freeman’s vocals. It’s almost like waking from the relaxing nap that you just embarked on.

Overall, I was thoroughly impressed by Highnoon’s first outing. I am very excited to see where Freeman and her band go next. In May of this year she released her first EP, Divers, which includes 4 new tracks. After listening to this record, I will definitely be giving this new EP a listen. It’s also very exciting to see queer black representation within the genre, something she touched on in the same Performer interview:

“The Gate Keepers tend to not have any black friends or listen to music made by black people. And so that makes it tougher to break into the scene. But I think I’ve benefited from it being trendy to be inclusive. I think people are trying in some way to not just have a bunch of white guys up there anymore, which I appreciate. I try not to think about it too much because it’s either this or not play any shows at all.”

She’s one of my rising stars on the scene. Some of my favorite tracks off the album include:

  • “Lens”
  • “Tongue and Cheek”
  • “Upswing”
  • “Mello Yellow”

My overall rating: 7 out of 10 semisweets you want more of…

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Modern Music Analysis

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