Easy on Me by Adele | Single Review

Adele’s latest single falls a little flat compared to other debut’s.

Z-side's Music Reviews
Modern Music Analysis


“Easy On Me” is the lead single off of Adele’s forthcoming album 30 set to release November 19th, 2021.

Before Adele dropped “Easy On Me”, there had been whisperings of her dropping her latest album soon. Billboard’s had been seen with the number 30, that many correctly guessed were advertising Adele’s next album. Looking back at the past 3 outings from her, each debut single has been fairly grandiose in sound. Her voice always takes the front stage in each single giving it a wide range of drama and emotion. This first outing feels a bit sleepy in comparison to such big tracks like “Chasing Pavements”, “Rolling in the Deep”, and “Hello”. The orchestration is much more subdued allowing the piano and Adele’s voice room to shine. Instead of her normal crescendo that demands listeners to take notice, she takes a little more a modest approach to the song. The most acrobatic vocal runs come in the chorus when she sings the reframe “Go easy on me, baby” in a descending vibrato. If Adele knows how to do one thing well, it’s a breakup song. “Easy On Me” takes a much more mature approach at this falling out. She’s torn between still trying to cultivate this relationship or leave. The more dressed down vocal style gives a great vulnerability to her performance. This is most prominently shown when she asks for leniency from this man on the song’s chorus, “Go easy on me, baby/ I was…



Z-side's Music Reviews
Modern Music Analysis

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