2023 Yearly Love and Relationships Overview

Modern Mystic
Modern Mystic & the World
7 min readJan 30, 2023
Image: author

The year of 2023 is full of exciting cosmic happenings.

Be sure that these major energy shifts in the Sky will affect us in a meaningful way on an individual as well as collective level.

And our love life is not an exception!

Let’s have an overview of this year in terms of key transits and analyze how they can potentially affect our intimate connections.

And the first planet we need to pay close attention to is, of course, the Goddess of love and abundance Venus!

Venus is the star of the cosmic show when it comes to love and relationships.

This personal planet is the natural ruler of the 7th house of partnerships and marriage.

Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash

Mars is another key planet that has a major effect on our drive, ambition and desire to be in a relationship.

In Astrology Mars governs our life force, sexual desires, aggression, sports and physical activities in general.

In our love life, Mars rules over our sexual desires first and foremost.

While Venus is the planet associated with our romantic attraction, Mars governs physical attraction, chemistry, and raw sex appeal.

Planets to watch out for

Venus and Mars are, of course, the key influences when it comes to love and relationships, but we also need to take into account planets like Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury.

Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and blesses everything it touches.

Therefore positive Jupiter transits can increase our chances to meet a new partner or solidify an established bond.

Saturn is the planet of karma, discipline, obstacles, and restrictions.

Even though it has a pretty bad rep in astrological community for causing all sorts of problems and delays, we absolutely need to take Saturn into account, especially if we are looking for auspicious timings to establish a long-lasting connection that can stand the test of time.

Mercury is the planet of communication and is notorious for its retrogrades.

In general, it is not advisable to start a brand new relationship when Mercury is in retrograde.

However, there are plenty of exceptions to this rule! The main thing with Mercury retrograde is not to rush things and wait till it’s over to make any conclusion.

Photo by Jon Butterworth on Unsplash

Mercury retrogrades are also notorious for bringing exes back! However, it is not always a good thing…

Sometimes the Universe is just testing us to see if we are ready to receive bigger and better blessings.

So stay vigilant!

The good news is that if a breakup happens during a Mercury retrograde there is a greater chance for it to be just a temporary separation.

Key Dates for Love in 2023


These are general influences that will have an impact on all of us as a collective.

For your individual yearly love overview, you will need to check how these transits impact planets and key points in your uniquely designed Birth Chart.

January 26 — February 19: Venus in Pisces transit

This is such a beautiful, romantic energy! Venus is exalted in this dreamy water sign. Great time to fall in love. Pay more attention to your nearest and dearest. They will appreciate the effort.

February 15 — Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces

This is the pinnacle of Venus in Pisces transit. This energy is great for not just falling in love and being romantic, but also for creativity. This is one of the best transits for artists and musicians.

Neptune is the planet of unconditional love, spirituality, and illusions. Make sure you stay grounded at this time. You will be tempted to view the world through rose-tinted glasses, including your partner.

Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

March 1 — Venus coupled up with Jupiter in Aries

This is a great, auspiciousday for love and partnerships of all kinds. This energy will make us feel all fired up and ready to conquer the world. Aries is the fire starter of the Zodiac. Don’t hesitate to make bold moves. You will be inspired to finally go for what you really want!

March 3 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries

The Goddess of love and abundance is coupled up with Chiron, known as the wounded healer.

You may feel particularly emotional and vulnerable around this time, especially if you have placements in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn).

Excellent time to heal any emotional wounds connected with love and relationships.

March 7 — Saturn enter Pisces

The planet of karma, discipline, and delays changes its sign and will remain in Pisces till May 2025.

This is a big deal.

Even though Saturn is not the planet of love, it has the power to bless us with solid, long lasting connections that can stand the test of time, provided you’ve done the work and are ready to embrace a serious relationship.

This transit is especially potent for those with planets in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

and earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

March 16 — April 10: Venus in Taurus transit

This energy is absolutely beautiful! Venus is at home in Taurus and is all about enjoying sensual pleasures and finer things in life!

Great time for falling in love and going on romantic dates.

Photo by jisoo kim on Unsplash

March 20 Venus conjunct the North Node of Destiny in Taurus

This powerful cosmic energy is all about destined meetings. If you are single and looking, there is a great chance you can meet someone very special around this time. Stay open to new opportunities and use this magical alignment to co-create with the Universe!

March 30 Venus coupled up with Uranus in Taurus

Another powerhouse cosmic coupling! Uranus is the planet of sudden, unexpected changes. Venus-Uranus conjunction can being about major changes to our current relationships and bring us new, unusual connections.

May 12 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Great time to solidify an established bond and take your relationship to the next level!

It would have been a perfect day for a wedding or an engagement, but unfortunately Mercury is in retrograde in Taurus till May 14.

Wait till it goes direct to finalise any legal paperwork in connection with your partnerships (both love and business).


July 22 — September 3: Venus retrograde in Leo

Traditionally, retrograde periods are all about re-visiting, re-organizing and re-evaluating certain areas of our lives. Venus rules over relationships (romantic and business), gourmet food, material possessions, finer things in life, things that we enjoy the most.

During this retrograde period, you might be having some emotional and/or financial issues that will take the centre stage.

Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and abundance. During its retrograde, it’s not advisable to make any drastic changes to your appearance. That includes plastic surgery and any other invasive procedures. It may not be a good idea to drastically change your entire wardrobe or hair colour. You might regret it by the time the retrograde is over.

October 21 Venus in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus

Even though Venus doesn’t feel particularly comfortable in Virgo, the magical trine to the planet of luck and abundance Jupiter will make up for it!

Awesome time for starting a new relationship or for taking the exciting partnership to the next level!

October 31 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus

Halloween promises to be extra spicy this time around! Expect the unexpected is the best phrase to describe this powerful cosmic alignment.

Photo by David Menidrey on Unsplash

November 8 — December 4: Venus in Libra transit

Venus loves to be in Libra! Venus is at home in this cardinal air sign and will inspire us to pay more attention to our closest connections.

Great time to get social and go places to meet new faces!

December 25 Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

Venus is connecting with the Lord of illusions Neptune right on Christmas Day.

We are going to feel particularly inspired to give out unconditional love to our nearest and dearest.

Neptune dissolves boundaries and can make us overly optimistic and unrealistic about our expectations regarding love.

Make sure not to overindulge in alcohol and other substances alternating consciousness. And you will be tempted!

Mercury Retrogrades of 2023

As mentioned previously, Mercury is the planet of communication and affects how we communicate our thoughts and feelings to the world.

Its a fast moving planet. Here we are focusing on its retrograde cycles.

In general, it is not advisable to start a brand new relationship when Mercury is in retrograde. However, there are plenty of exceptions to this rule! The main thing with Mercury retrograde is not to rush things and wait till it’s over to make any conclusion.

Make sure you keep an eye on the dates below when Mercury is in retrograde to pay extra attention to how you communicate with your loved ones to avoid any possible miscommunication or confusion.

The good news is that if a breakup happens during a Mercury retrograde there is a greater chance for it to be just a temporary separation.

· December 29, 2022 — January 18, 2023 (in Capricorn)

· April 21 — May 14 (in Taurus)

· August 23 — September 15 (in Virgo)

The beginning of this retrograde cycle overlaps with Venus retrograde in Leo.

Major ‘ex might be circling back around’ alert!

Testing times for our love connections for sure. Pay close attention to how you communicate with your partner and try to avoid any unnecessary drama!

· December 13, 2023 — January 1, 2024 (in Capricorn and Sagittarius)



Modern Mystic
Modern Mystic & the World

Sharing wisdom of astrology and practical spirituality for conscious living 🌍