Full Moon in Libra: Deep Healing of the Self

Modern Mystic
Modern Mystic & the World
7 min readApr 4, 2023

The Full Moon in Libra on April 6 is the culmination point of emotional and spiritual release. This potent Full Moon at 16 degrees of this cardinal air sign is here to help us heal our wounds and traumas so we can decisively move forward without the heavy baggage of the past.

The Moon is opposing asteroid Chiron in Aries, known as the wounded healer. This opposition signifies the need for a deep soul searching and inner healing.

The planet of good fortune and expansion Jupiter is close to Chiron and also opposing the Moon. This potent cosmic influence only intensifies the need for self restoration and thorough inner work.

The energy of Libra is all about relationships and partnerships.

Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash

This Full Moon, connecting powerfully with Chiron and Jupiter, is illuminating what needs to be healed and transformed when it comes to our closest connections.

The planet of beauty and abundance Venus in Taurus is speaking in harmony with the Lord of illusions Neptune in Pisces at the time of this Full Moon. This combination is excellent for any type of creative pursuits.

And you will feel not only creatively inspired but will also have enough stamina and practical vision to accomplish all of your creative projects thanks to a positive connection between the planet of structure Saturn in Pisces and the planet of drive Mars in Cancer.

These two planets are also connecting with the planet of communication Mercury in Taurus, which is going to help you articulate your creative innovative ideas in a structured, easy-to-understand fashion.

Before we dive in, be sure to check your Ascendant, Moon, and Sun signs to get a full picture. When you read a horoscope for your Sun sign only, you only get a glimpse of what’s in store for your personal and professional life. Your Sun sign (related to the day you were born) might be an important component of your identity, but it’s only a small fraction of the whole story. Very often, your Ascendant (Rising sign) is the most accurate representation of you as an individual, as it rules your first house of the self and therefore has the biggest impact on your personal horoscope.

Full Moon in Libra – Aries

This Full Moon is activating your 7th house of partnerships, marriage, public, and legal matters.

Be ready that it can illuminate an ending of some sort – an ending of a relationship, business partnership, marriage or your single status.

It’s a perfect opportunity to review all of your closest connections in a sober and practical fashion. Don’t feel guilty if you decide to let go of certain relationships that no longer serve your highest good.

This Full Moon is just perfect for that!

You are getting ready for a powerful Solar Eclipse on April 20 in your sign, Aries! Now is the time to get all your ducks in a row.


This potent Full Moon is activating your 6th house of day-to-day work, routines, and health-related matters. Excellent time to overhaul your diet and exercise regime.

Letting go of any addictions and unhealthy habits is especially favoured at this time.

Stay away from any drama in your workplace!

Your energy will be much better spent on re-organising your workspace rather than engaging in power struggles with your co-workers and higher ups.


This Full Moon is happening in one of the most exciting sectors of your chart, Gemini!

It is activating your 5th house fun, creative hobbies, love, romance, and children.

It’s time to get your creative juices flowing. The beautiful Venus and Neptune connection will inspire you to do so!

Step back and hit reset button if you are feeling creatively stuck. Now is an excellent opportunity to pick up your favourite hobby that you may have put a side in the past. Trust your intuition on that.

If you have children, it’s time to focus on them.

Spend more time with your kids. Pay close attention to their emotional well-being. You can make significant progress by helping them heal past wounds and emotional traumas.

Full Moon in Libra – Cancer

This Full Moon is activating your 4th house of foundation, home, roots, and family of origin.

You may feel drawn to stay at home and spend more time with your nearest and dearest.

It is a very favourable time to resolve any family conflicts.

Make a conscious effort to help your family members heal their past wounds and traumas.

This Full Moon is just perfect for that, Cancer.


This Full Moon in Libra is activating the 3rd house of your chart.

Excellent time to re-evaluate your involvement with your local neighborhood, siblings, schoolmates, and extended family.

You might feel a strong urge to go back to school or start a training program in a new field.


This Full Moon is activating your 2nd house of income, personal possessions, and values.

There might be a significant shift in your income at this time. You may have to re-evaluate the way you are currently making a living.

Perhaps it’s time to let go of the old ways of earning money and start thinking about new potential streams of income?

You will feel particularly inspired to try out new creative ways of monetizing your unique skills and abilities.

Your Personal Full Moon of the Year, Libra!

It’s happening in your 1st house of the self, dear Libra! This is a big deal.

You might be going through an identity crisis of some sort. You may feel like now is the time to let go of the ‘old you’ and start working on your brand new image. A full makeover, perhaps?

You may feel the need to let go of old belief systems, thinking patterns, or even addictions that are no longer serving your highest good. A major overhaul of your entire lifestyle and self-image is on the horizon for sure.

You are getting ready for a powerful Solar Eclipse in your opposite sign of Aries on April 20.

Now is the time to get all your ducks in a row.


This Full Moon in Libra is illuminating the most hidden part of your horoscope.

12th house rules over subconscious, intuition, psychic realms and isolation, among other things.

This potent Full Moon is helping you release what’s no longer serving your highest good.

Reflection and meditation can be especially beneficial at this time.

Now is a great opportunity to finally heal your deepest emotional wounds and past traumas, Scoprio.


This Full Moon in Libra is activating your 11th house of social connections, networking, social media, and friendships.

Excellent time to re-evaluate and perhaps let go of some social connections both online and offline that no longer resonate with your vision for the future.

The positive alignment between Saturn, Mars and Mercury will help you connect with new people in a practical way. Use this time wisely!

Full Moon in Libra – Capricorn

This Full Moon is happening in the 10th house of your horoscope, activating matters of social status, public image, and achievements.

You might feel increased pressure at work. This is the highest point in your chart. Be sure not to overwork yourself to avoid any burnouts.

The beautiful Venus and Neptune connection will help you start thinking outside the box and find creative solutions to your work tasks.

Excellent time to re-evaluate your public image.

You are supported by your ruler Saturn at this time, Capricorn. Use this energy to improve your career situation.


This Full Moon in Libra is all about shifting your overall outlook on life, religious, and political views. Perhaps you will start planning your next big trip abroad.

This Full Moon can activate a strong desire to explore foreign lands, customs, and traditions.

You may even feel inspired to relocate to a new area, city or even country!


This Full Moon is happening in your 8th house – one of the most challenging houses of your chart.

You may feel a strong desire for a radical transformation of some sort.

Be extra mindful when it comes to financial matters, especially anything to do with loans, taxes, and shared resources.

Great time to visit a trusted therapist to work on any psychological issues that might get activated at this time. It will certainly help release and purge what’s no longer serving your highest good.



Modern Mystic
Modern Mystic & the World

Sharing wisdom of astrology and practical spirituality for conscious living 🌍