Nodes of the Moon in Taurus and Scorpio: Predictions for 12 Zodiac Signs

Modern Mystic
Modern Mystic & the World
10 min readJan 25, 2022


Image: Moden Mystic & the World

Your Horoscopes for Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio are here!

Without a doubt, the Lunar Nodes shift into fixed signs of Taurus and Scorpio is one of the most prominent astrological events of 2022.

It is the new Taurus — Scorpio chapter in the Eclipse story.

Relevant article: Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio 2022–2023: The Great Cosmic Reset

This article explains the meaning of the North Node in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio in detail.

It’s vital to understand the deeper meaning of this astrological transit to navigate it consciously and use this energy to your advantage.

Lunar Nodes inTaurus and Scorpio 2022 – 2023: What’s in Store for Aries

Image of the Zodiac sign of Aries on an ipad screen.
Image: Grinvalds, Getty Images

The North Node in Taurus is activating your 2nd house of income, personal possessions and values.

There might be a significant shift in your income. It may require you to re-evaluate the way you are currently making the living. The key to success in this area is to become resourceful and rely more on your unique talents and abilities when it comes to generating wealth.

The South Node in Scorpio is now transiting your 8th house of other people’s resources, loans, taxes and inheritance.

You are going to be asked to let go of bad habits when it comes to overspending and getting into unnecessary debt that can be avoided.

It’s vital to learn how to use finances and other resources carefully, not wastefully. Especially when it comes to someone else’s resources, banks, trust funds, etc.

You are going to be asked to let go of the need to rely on and control other people’s resources and money in order to build wealth and financial security for yourself. Becoming self-sufficient is the key to your financial success at this time. It may feel scary, but you can no longer hold on to that.

The North Node in your 2nd house is going to give you extra strength and resilience to overcome the fears of the unknown and get empowered by your own unique ability to generate wealth.

What’s in Store for Taurus

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The North Node is in your 1st house of the self. This is a big deal, dear Taurus!

With the planet of awakening Uranus and now the North Node both in Taurus, you are well and truly becoming the star of the cosmic show in 2022 and beyond.

You might be going through an identity overhaul. A full makeover, perhaps?

The North Node of destiny is going to help you feel more empowered and ready to embrace powerful changes that are coming your way, seemingly out of nowhere.

Your confidence level is at an all-time high right now. Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to update and upgrade your life to the next level.

The South Node in Scorpio is now transiting your 7th house of relationships and partnerships of all kinds.

You will be asked to let go of old belief systems, or even addictions, when it comes to relating to others. You need to let go of old thinking patterns that brought you down in order to be able to form healthy, long-lasting partnerships that will increase your self-worth and improve your confidence.

One thing for sure, dear Taurus, expect some major changes coming your way leading to your ultimate destiny and karmic evolution.

What’s in Store for Gemini

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This Nodal shift is going to activate the most hidden part of your horoscope. 12th house rules over subconscious, intuition, psychic realms and isolation, among other things. This shift is all about your spiritual development.

The North Node in Taurus is helping you release what’s no longer serving your highest good in order to achieve ultimate self-confidence and increase your self-worth. Reflection and meditation can be especially beneficial at this time to assist you with this process.

The South Node in Scorpio is activating your 6th house of day-to-day work, daily routines and health-related matters. Excellent time to overhaul your diet and exercise regime. Letting go of any addictions and unhealthy habits is especially favoured at this time.

Lunar Nodes inTaurus and Scorpio 2022 – 2023: What’s in Store for Cancer

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The North Node in Taurus is activating your 11th house of social connections, networking, social media, and friendships.

Excellent time to expand your social circles, both online and offline.

There is a great chance you can meet your tribe, your true soul family at this time. Engage in collaborations, form new, exciting creative partnerships.

The South Node in Scorpio in your 5th house of romance, creative self-expression and children is asking you to let go of any limiting beliefs when it comes to love and your creative talents.

Perhaps it’s time to part ways with a toxic lover to free up space for a new romantic connection that will fulfil your emotional needs?

Excellent time to resolve any conflicts or arguments you may have with your children or loved ones.

Don’t hesitate to make an extra effort to seek peace and harmony with your nearest and dearest at this time.

It will pay big dividends in the future.

What’s in Store for Leo

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The North Node of destiny is activating your 10th house of social status, public image and professional achievements.

Your career and/or business will take the centre stage in your Universe during this transit.

You are going to feel extra driven and ambitious when it comes to achieving your biggest career goals set to date.

Be sure not to overwork yourself to avoid any burnouts.

Excellent time to re-evaluate your public image and decide how you want to be seen in the world.

The South Node in Scorpio in your 4th house of home and family of origin is asking you to let go of any toxic patterns of behaviour with your nearest and dearest.

Your home is your sanctuary where you can relax and fully restore to be able to go back into the world and achieve. Make sure there is no drama in your home.

Peaceful, harmonious home environment is the number one key to achieve your career goals at this time.

Lunar Nodes Shift into Taurus — Scorpio: What’s in Store for Virgo

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Virgo, the North Node in Taurus is all about shifting your overall outlook on life, religious and political views.

Perhaps you will start thinking about travelling again.

This transit can activate a strong desire to explore foreign lands, customs and traditions.

The South Node in Scorpio in your 3rd house is asking you to re-evaluate your relationships with your siblings, classmates, roommates and neighbours.

There may be some tensions with your siblings or neighbours.

Do your best to smooth things over. Having good relationships in your immediate environment will help you achieve better results in all areas of your life.

Lunar Nodes inTaurus and Scorpio 2022 – 2023: What’s in Store for Libra

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The North Node of destiny is moving into your 8th house, which is one of the most challenging houses in your chart. You may feel a strong desire for a radical transformation of some sort. Be extra mindful when it comes to financial matters, especially anything to do with loans, taxes and shared resources.

Great time to visit a trusted therapist to work on any psychological issues that might get activated at this time. It will certainly help release what’s no longer serving your highest good.

The South Node in Scorpio, transiting your 2nd house of income, material possessions and self-worth, is asking you to let go of any unhealthy attachments you may have to material things. Letting go of any limiting beliefs regarding your self-worth is especially favoured at this time.

What’s in Store for Scorpio

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The North Node in Taurus is activating your 7th house of partnerships, marriage, public and legal matters. Big, sudden changes in this area might be on the horizon for you. Transiting North Node in the 7th house often signifies a powerful new beginning of some sort — a new relationship, business partnership, marriage or divorce and your newly acquired single status. Whatever happens, remember it’s all leading you to your ultimate destiny.

The South Node in your sign is a big deal, dear Scorpio. You might be going through an identity crisis of some sort. You may feel like now is the time to let go of the ‘old you’ and start working on your brand new image. A full makeover, perhaps? A major overhaul of your entire lifestyle and self-image is on the horizon for sure.

What’s in Store for Sagittarius

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The North Node in Taurus is activating your 6th house of day-to-day work, routines and health-related matters. Excellent time to overhaul your diet and exercise regime. Letting go of any addictions and unhealthy habits is especially favoured at this time.

The South Node in Scorpio transiting the most hidden part of your chart is one challenging aspect. 12th house rules over subconscious, intuition, psychic realms and isolation, among other things. This shift is all about your spiritual development. This transit is perfect for purging and releasing subconscious limiting beliefs, addictions, unhealthy patterns of behaviour and toxic relationships.

Lunar Nodes inTaurus and Scorpio 2022 – 2023: What’s in Store for Capricorn

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The North Node of destiny is activating in one of the most exciting sectors of your chart. Great time to get your creative juices flowing. You may feel drawn to a particular hobby or interest at this time. Trust your intuition and go for it! Perhaps it’s time to loosen up a bit when it comes to work, and start spending more time with your loved ones. Go to a concert, visit an art gallery, book a table at your favourite restaurant you haven’t visited in a while. There is a great chance you can turn your favourite hobby into a profitable business at this time. Spend time with your kids, if you have any. This is an excellent opportunity to conceive if you are planning to have children. Your fertility levels are at an all time high right now.

The South Node in Scorpio in your 11th house of your social circle, friendships and professional networks is asking you to re-evaluate these areas of your life. Perhaps it’s time to let go of some social connections, both online and offline, that no longer resonate with your vision for the future. Don’t be afraid to make these changes. This upgrade of your social circle will lead to a healthier self-esteem, and as a result to more abundance in all areas of your life.

What’s in Store for Aquarius

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Aquarius, you may feel drawn to staying at home and spending more time with your family at this time.

The North Node transiting your 4th house of home, foundation and family of origin will prompt you to do just that. It is a very favourable time to resolve any family conflicts or arguments. You may also get an opportunity to purchase a new house or even relocate to a new place of living.

The South Node in Scorpio in your 10th house of career and social status is going to ask you to let go of any limiting beliefs in these areas. Excellent time to re-evaluate your public image. Perhaps you will decide to let go of your current career path and start contemplating on a brand new business endeavor.

One thing for sure, Aquarius, you need to focus more on your home life and worry less about your public image and achievements at this time.

What’s in Store for Pisces

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The North Node in Taurus is activating 3rd house of your chart. Excellent time to re-evaluate your involvement with your local neighborhood, siblings, schoolmates, and extended family. You might feel a strong urge to go back to school or start a training in a new field.

With the South Node in Scorpio in your 9th house, you will be asked to let go of old limiting beliefs about life in general. It is all about shifting your overall outlook on life, religious and political views.



Modern Mystic
Modern Mystic & the World

Sharing wisdom of astrology and practical spirituality for conscious living 🌍