Pluto in Astrology: Death and Rebirth

Modern Mystic
Modern Mystic & the World
7 min readMar 28, 2023

Pluto is considered to be one of the most challenging cosmic influences in Astrology.

It’s known as the Lord of the Underworld.

Pluto rules the Zodiac sign of Scorpio and the 8th house of occult, death, taxes, loans, finances of others, sex and deep intimacy.

It represents what’s hidden beneath the surface, our deepest, darkest fears and desires.

Pluto’s energy is all about transformation, deep soul searching, death and rebirth.

It is a karmic planet and its placement in a Birth Chart indicates an area of our lives where we are likely to experience the biggest growth and deepest transformation. It can also signify what we are likely to be obsessing about.

Though small in size, Pluto packs a bigger punch than most other planets in terms of its influence on our lives. It’s a very slow moving planet, taking up to 30 years to move through just one given sign and 248 years to move through the whole of the Zodiac!

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Therefore Pluto is considered to be a generational planet – meaning that a certain generation will have the same Pluto sign.

For example, individuals born between 1983 and 1995 are often called the “Pluto in Scorpio generation.”

Therefore Pluto’s position in our Birth Chart (the house it is placed in) has a more significant impact on us than its Zodiac sign.

Pluto in the 1st House

This is a very powerful placement!

If you have your Pluto in the 1st house of the self (especially if it’s close to your Ascendant (within 10 degrees)), most likely than not you appear to be very magnetic and mysterious to others.

You posses enormous inner strength and have a tremendous potential to achieve anything you desire!

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Watch out for power struggles with your higher ups though. Don’t let your shadow side sabotage your enormous potential to become a powerful leader you are destined to be!

Pluto in the 2nd House

If you have this powerhouse planet in your 2nd house of money you earn, material possessions, and self-worth, be prepared to go through major ups and downs when it comes to financial matters and your self image. One thing is for sure – you’ve got tremendous potential to build solid wealth in your lifetime!

You’ve pretty strong financial instincts and unique ability to build your resources from the ground up.

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Don’t be discouraged if you are struggling with your finances with this placement. This is all part of the process! Pluto is all about deep transformation. Once Pluto’s lessons are mastered, the Sky is your limit in terms of achieving significant personal wealth and abundance!

Pluto in the 3rd House

It’s very likely that you have a highly analytical mind with this placement. You love to dig deep and get to the bottom of things, especially when it comes to learning new skills and communicating with others.

You prefer to learn from your personal experiences rather than just from books.

Your biggest transformations in life can come through your siblings and extended family. Your relationship with them can be rather complex and difficult. Don’t get discouraged and know that this is all part of the process that will lead you towards becoming the best version of yourself.

Pluto in the 4th House

To have Pluto in the house of home, place of origin, and family life can be quite challenging, especially in the first half of life. You may have a very complicated relationship with your parents and care givers.

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One of your parents can be a very strong willed individual that had a massive influence on you during your formative years. Pluto is all about deep transformation and rebirth. It’s very likely that overcoming of these challenges will lead you to create a beautiful harmonious home for yourself and family of your own.

Pluto in the 5th House

Your superpower lies in your creative self expression with this placement!

Make sure you let your creative juices flow freely if you have Pluto in the 5th house, otherwise there is a danger of this powerful energy turning into self destructive behaviour patterns.

Your biggest transformation in life can also come through your children.

There might be power struggles and challenging circumstances around your kids. Make sure to use this powerful energy productively, rather than destructively.

Pluto’s aim is to transform us deeply so we can become the better version of ourselves. Always!

Pluto in the 6th House

You are very likely to go through a serious transformation when it comes to your work and health matters. Most likely than not, you possess tremendous resilience and drive when it come to your work.

Make sure you don’t become a workaholic with this placement! There might be significant power struggles in your work place as well.

There is also a chance you might be slightly obsessed with a healthy life style and your daily routine.

If you are experiencing serious health challenges, be sure that Pluto in this house is giving you tremendous willpower to overcome them!

Pluto in the 7th House

With Pluto in the 7th house of marriage, partnerships, legal matters, and the public, power struggles in close connections are likely to be the dominant theme.

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It’s very likely that you tend to attract overpowering partners, both in personal life and in business. It’s not always a bad thing though! There is a great potential to drastically transform your life for the better through your relationships. Use this powerful energy wisely!

Pluto in the 8th House

Pluto rules this house of death, rebirth, occult, sex, taxes, loans, and all things hidden and forbidden. This is a super powerful placement indeed!

It’s very likely that you have a natural interest in the occult and phycology.

You feel naturally drawn to complex intimate relationships and crave deep intimacy. Very often your biggest personal transformation comes through such connections. The themes of domination, power struggles, submission, and control can be significant.

There is a big potential to become financially independent through the help of others.

This placement can bring about significant financial abundance through marriage/ divorce and inheritance.

Pluto in the 9th House

Your overall outlook on life can go through drastic changes several times during your lifetime with this placement.

You can change your religion or political party when Pluto is placed here.

The biggest transformation can also come through travelling abroad and immigration.

You can experience challenges when it comes to legal matters, particularly in foreign lands.

Pluto in the 10th House

Pluto in the 10th house of career and social status is a powerful placement indeed!

Especially if it’s close to your Midheaven (within 5 degrees). You are extremely driven when it comes to achieving success and recognition, to the point of obsession.

There might be serious ups and downs in your career that can lead to tremendous success after all these challenges are overcome.

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Pluto in the 11th House

There is a tendency to have an “all or nothing” approach when it comes to your friendships, social connections, and group associations with this placement.

The biggest transformation comes through networking and connecting with the right people at the right time. One thing is for sure – you’ve got an ability to attract powerful people into your life.

Make sure to use this superpower to your advantage!

Pluto in the 12th House

Pluto in the most hidden part of your Horoscope is a challenging placement. There might be a tendency to get easily depressed and pessimistic about life.

Extreme self care is called for with this placement. Make sure to spend time daily to meditate and disconnect from harsh reality in a healthy way (study psychoanalysis, dive into the occult). There is a great potential to achieve success when it come to your spiritual development.

You can become a well known yoga instructor or a psychoanalyst.

Dream journaling can be especially beneficial as a self discovery tool with this placement.

You can get profound insights and creative ideas that can change your life for the better during your sleep with Pluto in the 12th.



Modern Mystic
Modern Mystic & the World

Sharing wisdom of astrology and practical spirituality for conscious living 🌍