What We Do Is Who We Are 🔥

Pratik Bhavsar | @nlpguy_
Modern NLP
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2 min readJun 14, 2020

Model selection, FAQ engine and a brand new newsletter!

Hope you are not getting bored in this lockdown :P

Ever since I read What we do is who we are, I have been wondering how to create more value. Hence, I have started working on some mini-projects.

1. NLP Model Selection


If you like it, do upvote it on madewithml so that it can reach more people.

2. Data Science FAQ

I made a FAQ engine to automate answering queries of aspiring and mid-level data scientists. From now on I will be sending this to anyone who needs help with finding good resources. Try it out and see for yourself. You can give me suggestions too.


3. 101 ways to solve search

I gave a talk yesterday with my real-life experiences of making search engines. You can get the slides and video will be available soon.


4. Changing my writing style

Till now I have been writing about NLP with a very technical theme. I also want to start writing on other things which play an equally important role in the life of a data scientist.

A few blogs I wrote recently NLProc End Game?, A Curious Case Of Incorrect Spelling, and Technical Writing As A Competitive Advantage.


I will post more often and you can subscribe to Pakodas to get updates.

You can reach out to me through Twitter and LinkedIn for any suggestion.

Thanks for your love!


