24 Things I Learned As a Double Stroller-Mom in New York City

#3. The stroller is your secret weapon

Melissa Frost
Published in
5 min readMar 5, 2021


Photo by Sara Melissa Frost

A stroller can be a blessing and a curse. In my opinion, mostly a blessing. Especially in cities. For two years, I got used to wandering the street of New York City with a double stroller. It’s not the same as walking alone sipping lattes or munching donuts, but two kids and a double stroller do have some serious benefits.

Tourist or local

Whether you’re going out for a short walk getting groceries or you’re on a day trip exploring the city, I’ve found these things below to be helpful and true.

  1. Get a spill-proof coffee mug. If not, you’ll end up spilling on yourself, countless times, while navigating the stroller. I waited too long until I got my perfect coffee mug.
  2. Use elevators. There is not one single elevator our double stroller didn’t fit into. We had a standard size double stroller, where our two kids sat next to each other.
  3. The stroller is your secret weapon. I’ve found that New Yorkers are extremely friendly to me whenever I’m on a stroll with the kids. They let me ahead in lines, on the subway, you name it. Maybe they feel bad for me dragging the ginormous stroller around, ha. Either way, friendliness goes a long way, especially…



Melissa Frost
Modern Parent

Journalist. Mom. Wife. Norwegian in the U.S. Minimalist-ish.