An Open Letter To My Son

On your 2nd birthday (Feb 20th, 2021)

Sylvia Emokpae
Published in
5 min readFeb 24, 2021


Image captured by author

I am consumed by conflicting feelings of sadness and joy every day.

It’s a little confusing, actually. Something I wasn’t expecting. I first felt it when you learned how to sleep without my help.

Once I had the ability to think again, that is. Once I started to recover from the 5-month long sleep deprivation, and I could think without the fog that my mind had been lumped with.

I suddenly felt like you didn’t need me anymore. At least in that respect.

Why is it that with all good things there must be a comedown? A dwelling sense of grief?

Or should I be looking at it from the other side of the lens?

With everything bad, there is good.

Yes, finally, you learned how to fall asleep! And I could catch-up on my own sleep at last!

But I started to miss the deep breaths that blew across my cheeks when you slept on my chest, your nose brushing my face.

Maybe it is that I failed to see the silver lining before of your desire to sleep on me, and on me alone. I was too tired to focus on the good side — on the snuggles, that in hindsight, I wouldn’t trade for the world.



Sylvia Emokpae
Modern Parent

Hustler by day, mother all the time. Inspired by normal life occurrences because, in hindsight, everything we do is interesting. Chocolate addict.