How to Pre-empt and Stop Toddler Tantrums

Respectful parenting tips

Catherine Mancini
Published in
5 min readJan 30, 2021


Photo by Arwan Sutanto on Unsplash

Ear-splitting screams, thrashing, violence, and tears. You’d be forgiven for thinking that a murder was taking place. However, all that happened was a parent said no more tv time to a toddler.

This can be a typical day for most parents of toddlers. It was definitely typical for me with my eldest when she turned two.

Boy, was that a difficult time. I remember thinking that things would never get better and being stressed out every day. I’d wake up every morning wondering what terror I’d be in for that day.

That was until I decided to be proactive and learn more about toddler behaviour and better manage it. Now, my days with toddlers are relatively straightforward, and tantrums are at an absolute minimum.

We have been conditioned to believe our kids can be bad. Phrases like “terrible twos” or “Is she a good baby?” or “threenager” give the impression that our children can be either good or bad. I certainly was accustomed to all of those phrases BEFORE having children because I found most parents talk about whether kids are well-behaved.

However, now through research, I believe children are neither good nor bad. Children’s brains are developing so much, especially in the early years, that they can’t reason



Catherine Mancini
Modern Parent

Australian teacher, photographer, writer, mum and friend. Support my artwork on Redbubble: