I Eat My Baby’s Rejected Already Chewed Food

Does anyone else?

Mari Sherret
Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2021


Photo by James Wainscoat on Unsplash

My toddler sometimes shoves food in his mouth, chews it for a second, and spits it out again. Once or twice he has chewed it briefly then fed it to me, directly in my mouth. I don’t like good food to go to waste, so sometimes I eat it.

Before I had a baby, I would have thought this is disgusting. Luckily my general tolerance for blood, poo, and pee has increased significantly since birth, at least where my own baby is concerned.

I would never eat someone else’s child’s pre-chewed food. I also think it would be disgusting if it were my partner’s food. Although my partner and I exchange other bodily fluids, so maybe that’s not logical. Regardless my partner is an adult and doesn’t spit out his food, so eating his spit-out food is not an option.

With my baby, I don’t find it disgusting. To me, my baby and I are part of the same microbiome. His germs are my germs. My bacteria are his bacteria. If he gets ill, I get ill. If I get ill, I hope I can protect him by breastfeeding him.

I tried googling to see if anyone else admits to doing this and found no evidence. (I mostly found articles that make me paranoid that my little one might have a chewing disorder because he sometimes spits food out. I don’t think he does, though).

