Modern Parent’s Writing Contest for May 2021!

Modern Parent Editors
Modern Parent


We’re so excited to announce Modern Parent’s first writing contest, with the winning writer being rewarded with a gift card of $300! In addition, the author of our favorite reply on eligible entries will receive a reward of $30!

Modern Parent is one of Medium’s top parenting and family publications. We want to see more of your writing, and continue to support all our writers!

How to Enter

For the month of May, we would like you to write a story according to the following prompt: “Reflect on a moment where you went “Am I doing this right?” during the pandemic.”

In your story, please incorporate your personal parenting stories and experiences. We encourage you to engage your readers with questions and learnings. We know the pandemic was a new experience for all of us, and a tough and unknown situation. Are you wondering whether there were better ways to handle these moments as a parent?

Please submit your entry using a Medium draft and email the link to with the subject line: “Am I Doing This Right” Contest. Please include your name, age, city and country. We’ll need this information to distribute the prize.

Based on editorial guidelines, not all entries that are submitted will be eligible for the prize. This is up to the full discretion of Modern Parent. If your story is accepted, we’ll publish it in the Modern Parent publication, at which point your story will be eligible…



Modern Parent Editors
Modern Parent

Celebrating and supporting the guardians of the next generation.