My 3-year-old Has Unique OCD-Like Tantrums

Modern Parent Editors
Modern Parent


Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash

When my 3.5-year-old is upset because things didn’t go his way he insists on doing it over and throwing a fit for a very long time, hitting and kicking and throwing things. He says nothing will help. It’s so extreme. It’s happening now on the ride home from the grocery store, so I’ll explain what happened.

After checking out, we were bagging our groceries and I told my husband I would go ahead and take a few bags and our 7-month-old to the car to start loading up. I asked my 3-year-old if he wanted to come with me or stay with dad. He chose to stay with dad. Ok.

Fast forward to dad and son arriving with the cart to the car. 3-year-old is melting down because he changed his mind and wanted to come with me after all. Well, I had already left the building so how could we know. He insisted we all walk back into the store and do the whole thing over again. I am trying to get him to move on. Not working.

I got him buckled in and offered him his water bottle to have a cool drink to calm down. He threw it. A few minutes later, he insisted we turn the car around and go back to do over the water bottle again to the point where I handed it to him.

I told him we are going home to have lunch and a nap. He insists that after his nap we go back to the store to do the whole thing over again. He is screaming at…



Modern Parent Editors
Modern Parent

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