My Daughter Doesn’t Like My Husband: What Do I Do?

I’m a Teen. I have a messy room. I spend all of my time on my phone. And I Care about One Person: Myself.

Adrienne Scott
Published in
7 min readFeb 14, 2021


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We’re a blended family. And like many other blended families, I’m sure, or any other family for that matter, we have problems. Problems seem a bit problematic, but “issues” are too general and overused for me. The problem is the proper verbiage here. My daughter is the product of my first, marriage which was an EPIC fail. And for a while, it was just the two of us. Then my husband (current) comes along. And things changed. And for a while, things were GREAT. But then sixth grade happened.

I’ve never been a mom of a teenager before. Think about that statement. As parents, it’s impossible to have had a child before, a toddler before, a pre-teen, a teenager, until you have EXPERIENCED it. Yes, people can tell you about it, try to prepare you for it, but until you’ve done it? You can’t possibly know how it feels to have a teenager. No matter how, adoption, insemination, surrogacy, auntie, uncle, no matter how you become a parent, it’s the same. You have to experience it, to KNOW IT. My daughter is 13. She’s my first one. I’m just now experiencing it.

It has Not Been Pretty.



Adrienne Scott

I’m a mom who’s children and husband are her muses. I love writing about parenthood, relationships, tech, or whatever else I’m curious about.