My Kids Run Our Garden And Now They’re Confident Veggie-Masters

Tomatoes, raw beets, or peppers, anyone?

Melissa Frost
Modern Parent
Published in
4 min readMay 9, 2021


Photo by Sara Melissa Frost

Mommy, put your shoes on, we have to water the plants!

That’s how most days started last summer. My son would remind me that we had to water the tomatoes, the peppers, the snap-peas, the carrots, the beets, the leaves (basil), and the raspberries. I didn’t think my kids would care too much for our garden, but I was very wrong. My 4-year old was our garden master. He had our vegetable garden under control at all times, and he would let me know when the different vegetables were ready. Sometimes, he couldn’t wait for them to grow fully so he would eat them a little too early, thinking I wouldn’t notice.

Oh, the joy

By including them in a typical adult task to do, they felt proud to be part of it all. My kids put so much effort into the task of watering the plants, pulling out weeds, keeping the garden nice and mud-free. It was the cutest thing. The joy on their faces once they saw a tomato growing on a plant and that they were actually allowed to pick it eat it whenever they wanted to, was amazing. It was priceless, and their joy filled me to the brink.



Melissa Frost
Modern Parent

Journalist. Mom. Wife. Norwegian in the U.S. Minimalist-ish.