Question: How Have Other Parents Been Dealing with Covid and Kids that Don’t Care About School Anymore?

Modern Parent Editors
Modern Parent


We received this question yesterday, and it got a flood of responses from fellow Modern Parenters. Below is one of the best answers we received. If you’d like to submit a question to Modern Parent, please email us at

Photo by Drew Coffman on Unsplash

From Snickers Dad:

2 of my kids aren’t thriving in distance learning either, which is why we will switch to home-schooling in a few weeks. It doesn’t seem like that’s an option for you, though, because you have to work long hours.

It’s tough for kids to care about distance learning. It doesn’t feel like a real school environment. There are distractions everywhere. They aren’t in a building specifically designed to give them structure and keep distractions away from them. No teacher is telling them to stop talking or taking distracting items away until the end of class. Self-discipline goes down the tubes unless you make a specific effort to add structure to their daily routine (I can make this work, at least somewhat, but for others, it may be a lot harder).

Work is done on a computer, meaning that unless you install parental controls, they can easily play Minecraft instead of doing their work. On top of all of that, the majority of 12-year-olds don’t care…



Modern Parent Editors
Modern Parent

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