The Three Books that Shaped Me as a Parent

Books for respectful parents and conscious living.

Catherine Mancini
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2020


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

In this day and age, parenting seems to be getting harder and harder. There are so many contradicting books and websites out there, and it can be not easy to decipher which ones can be the most useful. I want so much to be a respectful parent: a parent who truly tries to listen to and nurture my children. I am by no means perfect (I yelled at my almost 4-year-old this morning after a particularly long sleepless night), but I find that I can continually keep myself aware of my parenting style by reading books. After all, we need to do professional development for our careers, but we don’t always do that for our most important job as parents. Having said that, here are my current three most influential books for respectful parents.

1. ‘A Theory of Objectivist Parenting’ by Roslyn Ross

Screenshot from Amazon

In my opinion, this book is very underrated because I rarely ever hear it being spoken about, yet I found this book to be the most life-changing read. It completely changed my way of approaching my relationships in general and the way I approach parenting.



Catherine Mancini
Modern Parent

Australian teacher, photographer, writer, mum and friend. Support my artwork on Redbubble: