What No One Tells You About Parenthood and Partnership

Either you separate, or you grow closer together.

Kristina God, MBA
Modern Parent
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2021


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There is a picture on our bedside table. It shows my husband and me. Closely embraced and kissing. But those days are long gone — since we became parents.

Being pregnant together for the first time was an exciting time, no question. We were full of illusions. We idealized many things and lived in a dream world. But no one can foresee what it will really be like with a child. Enjoy the calm before the storm; they advised us. After birth, we hit reality hard, and that was painful.

After the birth, we hit reality hard and that was painful.

Inevitably we morph, and our relationship suffers

Having a child and becoming a parent is a great adventure, perhaps the greatest in life. Parenthood is an experience that pushes you to the edge. Not only is everyday life turned upside down, the couple-relationship morphs beyond all recognition.

Parenthood is an experience that pushes you to the edge.

When the little one arrived, everything suddenly became real. We, as a couple, two people, became three.



Kristina God, MBA
Modern Parent

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