Why Moms Never Sleep

Sandy Gold
Modern Parent


it’s best to know the truth from the beginning….

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

When I was pregnant, people advised me to get plenty of sleep, as once the baby came, I wouldn’t be sleeping much. I assumed they meant for a few months, maybe even for that first year. Twenty-one years later, I now understand what these well-intentioned friends and family members were really saying. They were warning me that mothers never get to sleep again.

Let me explain why.

Sleep deprivation during the baby stage…

This was what everyone should expect, after all, a baby’s sleep is unpredictable. They sleep when they want to, they demand to be fed when they’re awake, and they don’t really care about mommy’s needs. Even the baby who quickly got into a good sleep routine will, for no apparent reason, decide to wake up at five in the morning on any random day.

Eventually, most babies get into a routine, though, with a consistent bed time and wake-up time. This is when moms should be able to count on getting their own sleep too. Except….

Babies become toddlers…

Now many have given up their naps, they are mobile, and they are on the go! We tell ourselves that it’s ok that we’re getting nothing done all day, and we hope that they’ll tire themselves out and go to sleep on the early side. But when they do, then…



Sandy Gold
Modern Parent

I’m an educator, an advocate for inclusion, an avid reader, and a mother struggling to adjust to being an empty nester. IG:@sandygoldcoaching