Plot, Dialogue & Genre in Ricky Gervais’ “After Life”

A Breakdown of plot and character motivation in S1:E1

Florian Fuehren
Modern Poetics


Image (altered) by Bokskapet via Pixabay.

It’s easy to idolize famous writers and their work, but it’s hard to accept that often enough, we could observe rules behind their genius. So when I see a moving story like Ricky Gervais’ After Life, I immediately want to learn the mechanics behind it.

And if you’re done with reading mindset pieces and want to learn about the nuts and bolts underneath the scene structure or dialogue, you’ve come to the right place.

Before we start, and I shouldn’t have to say this, but SPOILER ALERT!

If you haven’t seen After Life yet and want to watch it (which you should), keep this article in your reading list, just as you put the show in your Netflix cue. Once your done watching, I’ll welcome you back with open arms.

Oh, one other thing. It seems that Ricky Gervais himself enjoyed my take on his series (even though he explained that he just wrote it and didn’t plot). Not to brag, but that felt like Zeus coming down…



Florian Fuehren
Modern Poetics

I ghostwrite educational email courses for SaaS companies. Recovering tech nerd. RWTH graduate (Ph.D.).