Modern CRM in Ruby on Rails — Part 2 — Make it beautiful

We’re continuing the series on building a Customer Relationship Management system with Ruby on Rails.

Catalin Ionescu
Modern Rails


Modern CRM in Ruby on Rails — Part 2


  1. Part 1 — Settings up Rails, ActiveAdmin and create the Clients model
  2. Part 2 (this article)


In the last article, we went through all the steps needed to set up our development environment with Ruby and Ruby on Rails, we installed ActiveAdmin into our application and created the model and AA resource for Clients. The code is available here.

Screen recording of the CRM so far

In this tutorial we will

  1. Set up Invoker
  2. Integrate Webpacker with ActiveAdmin
  3. Use a modern theme for ActiveAdmin

1. Setting up Invoker

This is a huge quality of life improvement for every developer. Remember that in the first part of the tutorial, we talked about having to start 2 processes to run the application (one for Rails — bin/rails s and one for Webpacker —…



Catalin Ionescu
Modern Rails

Director of Applications Engineering. Bristol University alumnus.