3 Simple Ways To Get Organized — And How It Will Boost Your Gratitude

Alyssa Leverenz
Modern Residents
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2017

Gratitude involves acknowledging all the good in your life while recognizing the people or forces that make it possible. Being grateful helps you to savor the finer things in life rather than take it for granted.

When your surroundings are in disarray, it can be hard to realize the good when it’s mixed in the whirlwind of everything else. Being organized means having your affairs in order so you can get by more efficiently. Thus, by getting organized, you can become more aware of your environment and notice how much you actually have for which to be grateful.

So, I’ve outlined 3 simple ways you can get organized and how it will heighten your sense of gratitude.

1. Evaluate Your Intentions

Getting organized isn’t just about your physical space. It’s also about your mental space. Try clearing your mind by sorting through your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, desires and motivators. What you do in life doesn’t matter as much as why you do it.

How Evaluating Your Intentions Will Boost Your Gratitude

  • You will become more sincere about your desires.
  • Being true to yourself will become your new priority.
  • Advertisements will not be as persuasive to you anymore.
  • Success will no longer be defined by what you see in society.
  • Your life will be meaningful as your actions become rationalized.
  • Creating a lifestyle that truly resonates with you will come naturally.

2. Frequently Inventory Your Goals

While gratitude does imply you’re content with what you have, it doesn’t mean you don’t still strive for new endeavors. Does determination stem from discontentment? Perhaps, sometimes. However, gratitude doesn’t make you less ambitious. In fact, being goal-oriented helps you realize your underlying gratitude. When you set goals, you have a purpose and are constantly working toward achieving your dreams. When you accomplish what you set out to do, you will inevitably be fulfilled with gratitude.

How Inventorying Your Goals Will Boost Your Gratitude

  • Knowing you’re doing your best will be rewarding.
  • Achieving what you set out to do will lead you to a fulfilled life.
  • Awareness of how you could improve will help give you direction.
  • Everyday will be seen as an opportunity to make your dreams come true.

3. Reduce Your Number of Belongings

Being organized is easier when you’re not overwhelmed by a large amount of stuff. It’s also much more manageable to keep track of things. Accumulating items over time can cause you to lose track of what is truly valuable. By making the effort to consciously downsize your belongings, you will be left with only your favorite things that actually serve you well.

How Reducing Your Number of Belongings Will Boost Your Gratitude

  • You will enjoy more time, space and freedom.
  • Your attention will be focused on what you do have.
  • Everything you own will be things that serve you well.
  • You’ll break the cycle of constantly consuming and wanting more.
  • Removing excess allows you to acknowledge all your favorite things.
  • Contentment will no longer be associated with having material items.
  • There will be a realization that your life is full of everything you need.

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I’m Alyssa Leverenz, a professional home organizer helping people maximize their environments by creating smartly appointed residential living spaces. Head to my website to learn more.

